Native Language @ ISB

Community Resources

February 16, 2016
by ISB Native Language Programs

Challenging mother tongue talk with children

Here is an article about questions we can explore with our children (at any age, really). Using the child’s mother tongue will ‘push’ / ‘pull’ the child to think new things in her/his mother tongue that will benefit both the mother tongue and her/his cognitive growth.

Do not make this a test  – see it as an opportunity to explore ideas with your child. If the timing doesn’t seem right, leave it for another time. I’ve found that travelling together in a car or some other form of transport can provide opportunities for this. Enjoy the conversation that has viewpoints but no concrete answers!

Mother tongue at home and philosophy

February 9, 2016
by ISB Native Language Programs

母国語プログラム 日本語クラスの活動 (MT Program Japanese class activities)

小学低・中学年 (G2-4):

As a part of CAO Mother tongue program, currently around 15 kids whose mother tongue is Japanese are learning Japanese after school.
Here is the overview of the activities:
Mid-Lower ES (G2-4)
Tue: Kanji study (+reading)
Thu: Japanese literacy (writing, reading, group project, presentation, etc.)
Kindergarten: (commonly understood as kids aged 3-5 in JPN system)
Thu. only: Activities using Japanese such as reading stories, practice writing Japanese characters, game using JPN characters, “show-and-tell” based on their homework picture journal, etc.