Native Language @ ISB

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Languages for Peace: ISB to Host ISALT Conference


Do you teach or tutor language at international school? If so, a new conference called ISALT may be for you!

The first International Schools Association of Language Teachers conference will take place at ISB on Saturday, April 25, 2020. Note: Due to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) situation, this conference has been postponed to Semester 1, 2020-21. Themed “Languages for Peace,” it will feature a keynote presentation by Dr. Kirk R. Person, an authority on minority language issues. It will also include workshops such as:

  • “Research-Based Instructional Strategies” 
  • “Making Language Learning Real, and Really Matter!”
  • “Strategies to Develop Listening Skills” 
  • “Effective Strategies to Teach and Improve Students’ Writing” 

and more!

The schedule includes sessions specific to certain languages—currently Chinese, French, Korean, Spanish, and Thai—and sessions on topics relevant to teaching any language, such as technology and music in the language classroom.

Many ISB language educators will attend ISALT, including Native Language Academy teachers. If you teach or tutor language at international school, or wish to explore this field, please join us! 

Scroll down here to see a list of ISALT 2020 workshops. 

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