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Dutch Student Creates Winning Logo


Benja with Dutch teacher Kees Meinders. Benja’s lion logo will represent the Dutch school in Bangkok.

Benja, a student who attends Dutch class at International School Bangkok, has developed the new logo for the Nederlandse School in Bangkok!

Also known as the Dutch Cultural Society (DCS), the Dutch school offers classes at two locations: Bangkok Patana School and ISB. The school’s prior logo showed a magnifying glass over the country of Thailand.

The newly adopted logo includes a heraldic lion and the Belgian, Dutch and Thai flags.

In March, teacher Kees Meinders challenged students to create a new logo by hand or with the computer. “We wanted to include three things in the logo,” he said. “Something Dutch, a Belgium reference, and a Thailand reference.” The school serves both Dutch- and Flemish-speaking students from the Netherlands and Belgium.

In response to the challenge, “students from ISB and BPS came with wonderful creations,” Meinders said. “After this, the first round of voting happened.” Four students, including Benja and Timothy from ISB, saw their logos become finalists.

Logo ideas

Voting in progress

Timothy’s logo and reflection

Students also wrote about the logos. A final round of voting led to the decision.

Gefeliciteerd to Benja!

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