Tech suggestions and resources from Mr. Bell

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Library and Tech Updates, Jan. 21, 2022

isbmainlibrary, isb, international school bangkok, educational technology, libraries,

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Library and Tech Updates, Jan. 14, 2021

Great Time to Grab a Book!

Hopefully you all had a wonderful Winter Holiday. We are getting back into the swing of things and came back to a deep cleaned air conditioners and Main Library. Things are ready to welcome everyone back to campus (fingers crossed). I also arrived to find that many of the books we had ordered before break arrived while we were away. It is a great time to stop into the library and pick up a new book if you didn’t get one before break or finished that one you grabbed.  

It was a great reading break for me. Choosing to stay in Thailand meant no travel times and loads of time to read and relax. I read 3 books over break and all of them have their merits.  Here is a short summary:

The Disappearing Act – by Catherine Steadman

A riviting, face-paced book about a young rising actress who’s life has just had a turn and she is trying to throw herself into her work to get away from things at home. She heads to L.A., Hollywood, to audition for some amazing parts. While nothing is easy, she inadvertantly falls into what could be a kidnapping, rape, murder, all three, or just a coincidence. In this this whirlwind novel, the characters drive a story that is full of clues. Enjoy this mystery.


Devolution by Max Brooks

This book is an emotional rollercoaster of a read. We start out with a dystopic event on the West Coast of the United States. Things are getting desparate. There are pockets of people who are stranded and have to begin their lives anew with much less.  They also have to learn to trust each other. Added to this, is the story of a Yeti from the region (you might know him as BigFoot). I can’t say much more as this was a quick read. However, each page I turned changed my emtions from fun, exciting, angering, and relieving, to now I don’t know what think. Try something new and give this book a shot.


Bewilderment by Richard Powers

I picked this up right before I left because Powers’ story The Overstory was beautifully written and I really do enjoy and well written book. This was no disappointment. A father, who is a scientist, must care for his son who is very high functioning yet not like all the other kids. He needs attention. As we read through the magical ways this father and son connect some strange links to the scientific work the father does come to life.  This is a story that will make you laugh and cry. It takes you on a thousand journey’s and shows you some insight into the relationship that can be built between a man and his son.

Welcome back and best of luck to you all in the new year.

Warmest Regards,

The Main Library Staff



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Library and Tech Updates, Dec. 10, 2021

isb, isbmainlibrary, educational technology, christopher bell, melinda kehe

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Library and Tech Updates, Nov. 19, 2021

isbmainlibrary, tech and library news, christopher bell, melinda kehe, isb, international school bangkok