Book Talks, Tech Sesh’s, and so much MORE!

This week we were so happy to have a ‘regular’ week in the library. We had all kinds of class visits already. Most notably Ms. Kehe for the Middle School and myself for the High School began book talks and sharing with students how to access the library catalog.  These sessions are as much fun for us as we hope they are for the students.  As librarians, we try to really ‘put on a show’ about how great an individual book is and why it is worth reading. It is always cool to see which books capture the attention of students enough to have them check the book out for themselves.  We also talked about some of the new books that we received over the summer. We also welcomed Grade 6 students around the Main Library as this is their first time to be in the Main Library.  Additionally, we’ve seen a huge uptick in our book checkout for independent reading.  

With all the library book talks going on, a couple of other really great sessions took place in the library.  Mr. Przbylski, the Middle School Tech Coordinator hosted a ‘Tips and Tricks’ for your computers in the library to help the Grade 6 students get used to their computers and learn to use them in the most efficient manner. It was also very cool as it was led by students in the new Middle School Tech Council. 

Later, I ran a session for grades 9, 10, and 11, around technology and choices. These were themed talks where the Grade 9 students got information on how to be good digital citizens and leverage their digital footprints for success. The Grade 10 students received information on balancing their lives in both technology and classwork.  Grade 11’s got information on making good choices, like caring for and supporting each other rather than tearing down their friends. 

Bell’s Recommendation:

The Art of War – by Sun Tzu

It is so important that we take opportunities to read classics as the lessons they teach are often ones that will be repeated in life. This book is definitely one of those books. Sure it is based on training warriors; however, in some ways we are all warriors facing our own war on a daily basis. This no none sense approach can be a lens anyone can use to help them methodically approach issues. Classically written this book is timeless.