April Already?

We are getting close to our wonderful Songkran break. It is a time to welcome summer and to take a well earned break. Many will be traveling or just taking time off, this is a great time to make sure you have a wonderful book in your hands. I have been reading as fast as I can this year, and there have been some amazing books to read. First thing, is try and get a book or even two before you leave for vacation. Secondly, maybe consider an audio book from Sora. While we are constantly adding books to the library collection we also add titles to our audiobook/eBook collection available to students with their school login. 

I love to share my own reading practices as there was a time where I forgot the AWESOMENESS of reading. Once I got back into reading it was like a whole new world opened up for me. So to share this love of reading on my office door, I always post ‘What is Bell Reading & What is Bell Listening to?’ book covers of titles I am currently or have read this year. If we are honest, Ms. Kehe and I have an on-going competition to read and share the most books. It is a really fun part of our jobs. She does a very similar thing with her glass wall of posting what she has read and is reading. I believe I am in the lead as I just started reading my 41st book and listening to my 42nd. That all said we are ready to make some recommendations.


This year we read some books that are really worth sharing. Below is our Top 10 Recommendations

  1. Cloud Cuckoo Land –  was our number one Choice – we both read this, have recommended it a lot and everyone seems to enjoy it. 
  2. The Midnight Library – maybe one of my favorite books of all time. Ms. Kehe loved as well as the English Department
  3. The Firekeeper’s Daughter –  we both read and disagreed – I thought it was good, Ms. Kehe was a little disappointed.
  4. Project Hail Mary – All my Sci Fi readers LOVED this one as it is Andy Weir’s (The Martian) latest offering.
  5. Hamnet – Ms. Kehe loved, I abandoned as I just couldn’t get into it.
  6. The House in the Cerulean Sea – is a fantastical month spent with some amazing humans (and the new release of Under the Whispering Door by the sam
  7. e author T.J. Klune is a SUPER follow up title).
  8. The Beekeeper of Aleppo – is a beautifully written book on a tough topic.
  9. They Both Die at the End – was wildly popular with unique and amazing characters.
  10. The Last Thing He Told – a super cryptic mystery for everyone.
  11. The Impossible First – my pick for Non-Fiction titles that is a riviting story of competition and endurance at the polar ice cap.

I hope this gets you excited to come and talk with us about books or to ask for a recommendation as we are always happy to get and receive recommendation from other readers. Pop into the library and grab a couple books for break. 

PARENTS – you can also set an appointment to come onto campus to get books OR we are maintaining our Book Request form where you can request books from the Main Library, we will collect them check them out to you and then leave them bagged up in front of the school for easy pick up.  Lastly, in an attempt to get people together to discuss books, we are hosting a Parent Book Club on May 5th from 12 -1pm in the Main Library. Below is the flier for this event. Remember you will need to complete the ATK and register for an appointment. 

Bell’s Recommendation:

Jungle by Yossi Ghinsberg

Traveler books are always fun and this one is not going to disappoint. Writen as a memoir of his harrowing experiences traveling the Amazon Yossi takes us on a mesmerizing journey. As backpackers there is the comradary of travelers, however as things get crazy and dangerous all at the same time, our writer is forced to enduour the wilds of the rain forest. An exciting page turner for the backpacker/traveler.