Just Have a Wonderful Break!

We hope you got a book to read over break.  Remember we can process an order for you if you complete our request form and we can put it out front for you to pick up.  Here is the form for book requests.   Also if you are looking for research or need some resources all of that can be accessed from our library website which can be found at: https://library.isb.ac.th/home.  

I am also trying a little something different. Below you will find a link to some Digital Citizenship resources for Middle and High School students. This is in an effort to expand our reach to the parent community with the resources we share with students. On Monday’s students receive the Monday Morning Message which has tech resources, book recommendations, and digital citizenship resources.  If you have suggestions let us know.  

Digital Citizenship Resource

TrueEducation Partnerships is an organization that is focusing on the realities of the internet and how as a family you can work to make things safer for everyone involved. This is becoming more and more important as we see the number of students whose identity gets stolen increase. “It is estimated that around 1.3 million children are victims of identity theft each year, with hackers using various information from social media profiles, school rosters and other sources of birth date and parent information to put together believable profiles.” – (HannahStarkey 2020)

Have a wonderful break and take care.

Your friends at the Main Library!

Bell’s Recommendation

BOOK REVIEW! The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller

After reading Circe, I just couldn’t avoid Song of Achilles. The researgence of these tails of Greek gods is not only entertaining but also really great story telling. In this one we follow young Achilles as he grows up, goes through training and then jumps into the siege at Troy. I’ve seen the movie, read the original stories and this is definitely way more exciting.