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Library and Tech Updates, Oct. 22, 2021

isbmainlibrary, christopher Bell, melinda kehe, educational technology, International school bangkok

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Library and Tech Updates, Oct. 8, 2021

Strengthening Our Voices

In ‘Library School’ we always learn and are encouraged to protect the freedom of speech.  I think we do a pretty good job at ISB.  In the Main Library, we always try to be balanced in the things we support and advertising.  That being said, there is always room to improve.  We continue to search for books with diverse characters, ideas, and messages.  While we don’t expect everyone to listen to everything everyone has to say, tolerance is the bigger message.  An example of this is, that we may not agree with all the books on our shelves in our library personally, however, we do make sure we are fair in filling requests. 

In the United States, libraries have always been considered a place of freedom.  Even public libraries are an extension of that by offering books to all and providing spaces, and training for varied groups. Oftentimes, you will find them promoting a cause, a site for voting, or even a launch point for a protest. They are public spaces and protect the first amendment rights of all Americans.  

To that end, Ms. Kehe this week shared with me a source I had not seen called  This is a site sponsored by FreedomForum.  A group whose mission is to protect all of the First Amendment Rights. Again while we do not agree with everything that this organization or their site promotes, we really did like the news idea.  They have taken a bunch of newspaper articles from the United States where the freedom of speech has been challenged and offer the article up for you to make your own decision.  Here is a link to their site where they bring together information, articles, and videos that challenge the freedom of speech.  


Requests for Books, if you are Off-Campus, is Still Available

A reminder is that parents are welcome to check out books too. Our system for checking out books is still available through our Request a Book Form and the books are then processed and put out front for you to pick up.  


Bell’s Book Recommendation:

Breath by James Nestor 

Thought it had been a while since I recommended a Non-Fiction book so here goes.  I have been reading about how important our breath is for life.  While the easy answer is, without air we die, how we breathe is also very important.  This book by James Nestor digs into the ways we do and don’t breathe all the way back to our early cave-dwelling ancestors.  Interestingly the way we breathe can reshape our mouth and nasal passages.  I liked this book because as I was reading I found myself trying the breathing techniques and noticed some really interesting differences in myself. It also helped make me aware of my own breath and how important it is as well as how we can leverage it to help us deal with life.  A great read and something for the beach for sure. 


Have a great break everyone.

The Library Staff

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Library and Tech News, Oct. 1, 2021

What a Feeling!

As we welcomed back students on Wednesday this week, it was so refreshing to have students and energy back in the Main Library. The new steps for coming into the library slow things down a little bit, however, everyone was really patient and did a great job adapting.  As per the regulations in place for opening, we have to scan an ID, and then visitors can pick a spot to sit and work.  And work they did.  While the students were obviously happy to see each other and catch up, it was clear that they were ready to get back to being students.

It was a really good reminder of how important the library is to everyone. We had teachers in getting resources, classes of students coming in, and even the Librarians had classes. It was great!  One thing that surprised most of the students was that we did a lot of work over the summer reorganizing and moving things so they would be easier to find and create more space. In asking students, they really appreciated the new design and it made it seem like there was more room to spread out. 

Just a couple of reminders this week. Please do come to the library, you can browse books and work.  Our wonderful Buildings and Grounds team comes in very regularly to disinfect things.  To help them out we ask that everyone wipes down their spaces before they leave. Otherwise, we need to keep our masks on and distance ourselves.

We welcomed new families in on Tuesday this week as they toured around the school for the first time. A reminder is that parents are welcome to check out books too. Our system for checking out books is still available through our Request a Book Form and the books are then processed and put out front for you to pick up.  


New Additions!

While all of the wonderful Library Staff is back it was also really great to have the new Middle School Technology Coordinator, Wesley Przybylski (Mr. P) join us in the library.  Now, whether you or your child are in Middle School or High School you can now get tech help in the Main Library. He is coming to us from the American School in Japan.  He is also teaching the MS Coding classes this year.  His office is located near the stairs and he is full of energy so stop by and say ‘Hi’!


Media Studies and Yearbook

We also are hosting the Media Studies and Yearbook classes in the Main Library.  Mr. Jared Hines is teaching the Yearbook Class this year. He is one of our Annual Supply Teachers.  We also have Ms. Harrison-Denby teaching the Media Studies classes. 




Bell’s Book Recommendation:

The BeeKeeper of Aleppo by Christy Lefteri

A book that gives you a first-person account of what it must be like for the refugees of the Syrian conflict. We learn how dangerous it is for every living thing, even the bees. We also learn about what it means to be a refugee and what lengths a person must go through to survive. We follow one man and his family as they try to escape a truly horrible situation. This is a beautifully written book, it is visceral, real, and at times scary.

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Library and Tech News, Sept. 24, 2021

The Big Library Revamp

This time last week – the library was a bit of a disaster! Books to be moved, books to be shelved, books to be weeded, old displays and projects lying around. The entire collection was a disarray in preparation for ‘The Big Library Revamp”. There were no students here, so the mess didn’t seem to matter. 

After the announcement that the school might open, the library buzzed with activity as we decided it was time to start ‘The Big Library Revamp’ and implement the changes we have wanted to make. When you walk into the library next, you will notice some changes:


Need a book on Mindfulness, Soccer or How to Bake? We have weeded this section and moved the entire collection upstairs. Only the best books are on the shelves, so it is much easier to browse for topics. With that said, you can now take on a stack of books to browse through and enjoy a quiet, secluded space to read at a table or cubby upstairs.


Didn’t find Vol 5 of The Mortal Instruments Series? Now you can! We have been able to spread out our previously cramped shelves. Since the entire main floor of the library is now devoted to fiction, the shelves have been arranged by row (to be honest, it is much easier to find books when the shelving is arranged by row). Now we have space to expand this collection and can put more books on display.


We have redone all the signage in the library using the Jeff Ross (ISB Visiting Artist) art installation in the library as inspiration. You can find the section, or a room you need at a glance.

Working Areas

We have created as many table areas for students to work at as we could in line with Covid Guidelines.

Speaking of Covid Guidelines……..

The hybrid model means that we will need to be extremely vigilant and adhere to all the new guidelines in order to prevent the spread of Covid in case there is a positive case identified at school. Before you enter the library please review the new rules on the bulletin board outside the entrance – we have made it as effective and efficient as possible for students to use the library.

How About Your Own Personal Revamp?

As you reflect on the upcoming second quarter, what are some areas of your life you would like to revamp?  More tips on this topic coming your way soon.

Melinda’s Recommendation

Escaping Eleven by Jerri Chisholm (YA – Dystopian)

Humans were forced to live underground hundreds of years ago as the world became hotter and inhabitable.  Around the world, there are underground compounds built for the remaining population. There is a strict hierarchy between floors in Compound 11, which is located in the US. Eve is 16 years old and lives on the Lower Mean, which is not the lowest floor but it is a violent hard life. Despite the limited career options available to people from Eve’s floor, as she turns 16, she must select a profession.  Eve wants nothing more than to escape and either make it to another compound or take her chances above ground, even if it means death.  It’s better to be free than alive. Meeting a boy calledWren, a Preme from the top floor, during one of her matches makes her question many things about her compound, life, and what is really like outside now that so much time has passed.  A real page-turner! The City of Ember meets The Red Queen Series.

Bell’s Recommendation

The Impossible First by Colin O’Brady 

It is one of the harshest environments on earth. Daily temps regularly stay at 20 below zero and wind begins in Antarctica. Colin shares not only his adventures, mishaps, and thought about crossing Antarctica, but he also shares his life story. Including his documenting and sharing with over 100 schools around the globe. It started out with a basically fairly normal life, was a competitive swimmer in college and got a job right out of college to travels to Koh Tao Thailand, and a harrowing event that would change his perspective on life. This book makes you rethink the small things and yet focus on the important things. A great read and there are PICTURES!

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Library and Tech Updates: June 4, 2021

This is the last of the Library and Tech Updates for the 2020-2021 School Year

It is the time of year where we like to look back and see how things went. This year has obviously been very different and substantially more difficult than in years past.  As we wrap up the school year, we always collect data and measure our performance as a library against the previous year. We have key areas we always seek to review.  In a year that was so on again off again, there were lots of things to consider:

  • We had students on campus for several months before going online
  • We had to limit access to the library for social distancing
  • We couldn’t do as many book talks as we did the first semester meaning we were unable to as we say ‘get books in students hands’ as easily

HOWEVER, we were still able to accomplish a tremendous amount in the Main Library:  

  • We encouraged reading via direct classroom support (joining zoom sessions and doing book talks) – this paid off as even though students were not on campus checkouts in almost every area were up this year. Fiction alone was up over 1000 books over the last year’s checkouts!
  • We worked with students at every grade level to incorporate research skills for students at ISB
  • We audited the research being taught at ISB and have a plan moving forward that will strengthen what already is a high level of performance
  • We added over 400 hand-selected and requested books
  • We more than doubled our Audio and eBook offerings
  • We made it possible for students, staff, and families to check out materials and drop off materials even in online school
  • We added Virtual Reality access to the library via rooms and curriculum 
  • We hosted a load of events in the library, including MUN, the school of the future, LGBTQ month, and much more 

All things considered, it was an amazing year in the library. We missed seeing the students’ faces every day, but we worked extra hard to make sure they knew we were here to provide services.  We take great pride in providing a quality product for our community and always welcome feedback.  Once we collect and collate all of the year’s data points we will release our summary report to the community.  Thank you to all those who visited and who we had the pleasure of helping this year. 

As a final reminder

Last week we released our summer reading program information.  We also did some curating of resources for what is called the ReCharge. This page is full of exciting activities and fun stuff to do over the summer. Maybe do some creative painting, learn to cook something new, maybe try some yoga, or many more ideas for keeping yourself busy.  Hopefully, you will take a chance, be courageous, and then let us know if you really enjoyed something. 

If you are looking for a challenge, join our Summer Reading Challenge! All you have to do is select books that either come from the Challenge Lists or books of your own interest and keep a log of what you have read. We will then celebrate different levels of achievement when we return to ISB in August! 

We went further this year to offer some Academic Extensions for summer. These are ways for you or your children to extend their learning over the summer. There are some recommended sites for taking online courses in just about every academic area.  This includes different language studies or something that might provide some remedial learning. Lastly, we also included a special Technology Section where there are some super cool opportunities for students in the summer. While travel is still obviously very difficult, doing some type of camp or internship might be possible.  

Thanks again.  Hopefully, you will have a relaxing summer.  We encourage you to get away from your screens, pick up a book, and simply relax. We look forward to next year and all of the exciting new things we can do to further the services we provide the ISB Community. 

Wishing you All the Very Best,

Your Library Staff