Get a Book For Break (or DELVE)

As we enter the holiday season, we will get some time for rest and relaxation.  I cannot say enough about the power of a break.  Personally, I was reminded of this as I got to go on the IB Geo Fieldtrip.  While not an actual ‘Break’ it was a change-up that got me out in nature.  Nature is a powerful mood changer and stress reducer.  I found by the third day my mind was clearer and I had what felt like more creative energy.  It was a great reminder of the power of a short break. 

Taking breaks has been shown to be important in recovering from stress [7], which can, in turn, improve your performance. Recovering from work stress can restore energy and mental resources and decrease the development of fatigue, sleep disorders and cardiovascular disease. (The Wellbeing Thesis)

As we approach a nice long break, the Main Library would like to recommend you also take a break from your technology.  We just received an order with many Young Adult and Adult titles that we are reading through as fast as we can so we are prepared to make recommendations.  Take a look at some of the images to the right.  We also manage some lists of books throughout the year to make finding books in your favorite genre easy.

We are also hosting our annual winter Used Book Sale.  Throughout the year, we collect donations and books that we cannot for various reasons and then we sell the books during this time.  We also have some DVD’s we are clearing and some audiobooks.  Stop by and take a look.  

The Main Library and staff wish you a wonderful and restful holiday season.  Please take some time to connect with family and friends.  Rest and relax.  We hope to see you in the new year!

“The Importance of Taking Breaks – the Wellbeing Thesis.” The Wellbeing Thesis, 5 Sept. 2019,,and%20cardiovascular%20disease%20%5B2%5D.

Bell’s Recommendation

The Three Body Problem Trilogy by Cixin Liu

Knowing we are headed to DELVE in the high school and then a break I chose to dive into a big book.  Something that takes time and is a challenge for me as a reader books with loads of science.  I’ve been wanting to read Cixin Liu’s The Three Body Problem Trilogy for quite some time.  I am already halfway through, and it is not disappointing.  It begins with the upheaval in China as they struggled to define their version of Communism.  Science is being challenged while, at the same time, things like atomic energy are being tested and developed as a weapon.  Just when you think it is going to follow this historical story, it moves into a more fantastical voyage.  We jump to a world where Comrade Zhang describes it as a ‘Chaotic Time Period’ and days are inconsistently timed and are dangerously hot, followed again by inconsistent nights and cold.  It is really an amazing tale with various twists and turns. Colorful characters, Astrology, and Astronomy are highlighted in Liu’s writing.  I am excited about the rest of the book.  It is a book that is Adult; however, I do think Young Adult readers might enjoy it. 

Digital Citizenship Corner

This week I am highlighting a Podcast and Article on the same topic, FLOW.  The article is titled “We all can reach a “flow state.” Here’s how. Perform at your mental peak.”  I do some coding and, obviously, work in tech.  I’ve also been an athlete and recognize when I reach the ‘flow state’ of performance.  BigThink puts out some really interesting information and this podcast highlights Steven Kolter, Director at the Research Flow Collective.  Flow is something I believe can help learners approach their work, fun, and anything with insight into how they can reach the best states.  Focusing our minds can make us more efficient and productive and give us a better sense of enjoyment from our work. Watch the Ted Talk, and share it with your student and friends.  

Tech Tools

A tool I have started using more and more is called Figma.  Originally a tool used by technology builders to collaborate on designs, it is now making its way into a larger community.  It is robust and has the ability to view work at a very large scale or zoom into a micro view.  It also has the ability for users to share and collaborate on work.  Lastly, it contains elements that are stock, like icons, shapes, and much more.  Think of this as Prezi on steroids.  Try out Figma.