This week the Ted Talks began in Grade 11.  It is our 11th year doing this at ISB, and is considered something of a tradition.  Over the years, we have seen some very powerful talks by our students.  From an instructional perspective, it has everything, an authentic audience, student choice in topic, high-stakes delivery in front of your peers, strong research requirements, language devices throughout, and strategic technology as part of the delivery.  That all said, and yet the best part is watching the students go for it. 

As you can imagine, many students are nervous and worried.  However, they overcome and are supported by their classmates as they all know the feeling.  It is quite a magical environment.  Yesterday, I got to spend time in Mr. Giles’s class and help in the assessment of the talks, and they were nothing short of spectacular.  Topics that stuck with me were dealing with food waste, activism, and the importance of gratitude. They were engaging, well-researched, and really made me think as a listener.  

This year should be great again.  Keep your eyes out in Jan. for the invite.  It will take place on Jan. 25th in the CCT Theater.  I suspect it will not disappoint.  

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Bell’s Recommendation

The Tibetan Book of the Dead by PadmasambhavaKarma-glin-paGyurme Dorje (Translator) 

Throughout my reading journey, I challenged myself to read books that are considered powerful.  They can be powerful for many reasons, the story, the content, or in this case, the link to religion.  I love studying religions, and this book gave me great insight into the process and why it is the process for Buddhists.  It was written a long time ago, and this is a translation, but it helps understand how everything has a meaning and purpose in the process.  I recommend this one not because this is a fantastic book (it is) but because it is so important that we broaden our perspectives.  We often forget the importance of learning something new.  I love a good book; this one taught me.  This week I challenge you to read something new and outside your comfort zone.  

Digital Citizenship Corner

I pay very close attention to the articles and resources they send out.  It is fair to say there is no perfect solution to digital citizenship instruction, however, Common Sense Media is trying.  This article struck me as an educator.  It is giving support to teachers about inclusion in their classrooms. 

“National Center for Education Statistics, the percentage of school-age students served under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) who spend 80% or more of their time in general classes in regular schools increased to 66% in fall 2020. What does this mean? The likelihood of having a student with identified needs in a general education setting is no longer a probability—it’s a guarantee.” (Common Sense Media)

While there are amazing benefits to all by this movement, it can be challenging for everyone. One of the resources was ‘Teaching Digital Citizenship to Kids with Learning Attention Issues’.   We all suffer from a lack of attention at some point or another. This article has loads of tips that all of us can benefit from when we are trying to be better digital citizens.  Give it a read and pick a couple to use yourself. 

“Teaching Digital Citizenship to Kids with Learning and Attention Issues | Common Sense Education.” Common Sense Education, 2018,

Technology Tools

Alright, I will be honest this isn’t as much a tech tool as just a very interesting article.  That said throughout the article are sprinkled different tech tools to achieve the recommendations.  The article it titled, ’15 Cheat Codes for Life: Jump 7 Years Ahead of People’ by Jeff Rose.  There are some really great recommendations in here like Keep Investing in Yourself – it is the most important investment you will make and To become successful you will have to make many sacrifices.  As I said not really a tech article but the ‘Cheat Codes’ bit in the title caught this old gamer.  Enjoy!  

Rose, Jeff. “15 Cheat Codes for Life: Jump 7 Years ahead of People.” Entrepreneur, Entrepreneur, 26 Nov. 2022,