Headed into a Break!

i need a breakIt is interesting how with a vacation, we often suffer a few extra issues.  One of those issues I typically suffer is that I am so busy I fail to plan something. I always think, ‘well it’s not a big problem, I will just chill out’.  However, there is a problem. All too often, I return to work, and I do not have that sense of rejuvenation.  It is because just shutting off your mind is like stomping on the breaks of a car, it really isn’t the best way to slow down.  To the right of this article is one from DecluttertheMind.com about how you can effectively take a break without creating a bunch of stress around planning something. 

Another issue that sometimes strikes going into a break is getting sick as you go on holiday.  This is a really weird one, but it has happened to me and can ruin a well-planned vacation.  It is a real thing that the University of Melbourne has studied.  They found: 

“Other academics have theorised that leisure sickness is the result of your normally high-functioning immune system stopping work as soon as you do.” ((“Do You Really Get Sick as Soon as You Go on Holiday?”)

Hopefully, you can avoid this effect by getting some extra vitamin C, or simply easing into your vacation rather than shocking your system into another stressful situation.  Or as Professor Bryant states, “Perhaps the lesson here is for gentle landings towards holidays.”.  

Either way, take a break from this Songkran and enjoy yourself.  Try to get together with friends and reconnect.  Have fun, be safe, and oh yeah read a book from the Main Library!

“Do You Really Get Sick as Soon as You Go on Holiday?” Melbourne Medical School, 27 Feb. 2018, medicine.unimelb.edu.au/archive-news/do-you-really-get-sick-as-soon-as-you-go-on-holiday. Accessed 7 Apr. 2023.

Declutter The Mind

I Need a Break: 10 Things to Do to Take A Break

  1. Go off social media
  2. Meditate
  3. Hang out with loved ones
  4. Spend the weekend in a different environment
  5. Read a book
  6. Declutter your space
  7. Spend time on what you love
  8. Make art
  9. Physical activity
  10. Get some rest

getting rest

Bell’s Recommendation


Looking for a good mystery? This is it. What could be so important about a $.99 map? You have to read this one to find out. Nell, who has loved maps her whole life, a passion she shared with her father, doesn’t know either. However, they are both at the heart of this crazy book. Her father, who by the way had her and her potential boyfriend fired, dies mysteriously in his office at the New York Public Library. She is contacted and really doesn’t know how to feel as she still holds onto that anger. If you love maps and mysteries, this book will be a blast. Fast-paced and fraught with turns grab this one today!

Tech Tools

Checker Plus for Google Calendar

We are all so busy, and if you are like me, your calendar drives the show. I always have to have my Google Calendar open in a type, NO MORE. Add the Checker Plus extension and give yourself easy access in your browser to see all your events. There is a little time display that shows your next meeting, you can quickly add events right from the extension or if need be, open your calendar right there. This is a huge time saver that you will love from the moment you start using this powerful little extension

Digital Citizenship

A Teacher’s Prompt Guide to ChatGPT aligned with ‘What Works Best’

ChatGPT - Wikipedia

I’ve written about ChatGPT here several times now, however, this time I want to share something that we are sharing with teachers. It is a guide to using Chat with students. Obviously, the audience is targeting teachers, these are actually really great use cases for trying out Chat to see how powerful it really is.  Download this doc and let it guide you through a very informative process of testing what Chat can do for you.