We Love to Highlight the Work

It seems like on a regular basis, and I am saying, ‘stop by the library and check out…’.  Well, here I go again.  This time we have a new load of student works on display.  At the front of the library is a display we had this year, and again the Middle School Art Students have outdone themselves.  It is their three-dimensional hats display and they are amazing. There is everything from a french fries hat to a chessboard-type hat. They will take your breathe away as well as stun you with their craftsmanship. 

Also, we have a Peace Display to fall in line with Peace Day, which is taking place at ISB this Friday. The display is of Japanese origin and uses senbazuruis or origami paper. It was popularized by an effort that started after a very young girl was exposed to radiation after the bombing in Hiroshima.  This effort was named after the girl Sadako Sasaki and was represented by folding 1000 paper cranes which she started to fold but was unable to finish so her classmates did for her.  Read more about Sadako here.  Peace Day is a time when we all stop and reflect on things.  We try to identify areas where we can improve the world through peaceful manner. It is an annual event at ISB and one that we are very proud to host. 

As I said, stop by the library and check out the book displays, student artwork and much more.  While you are there we got a few more new titles in and we are always ready to help you find something great to ready. Have a wonderful weekend. 

Bell’s Recommendation

The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah

This is a story that has been on my list of want-to-reads for quite some time.  It is a bigger book, so it is a bit of a commitment.  It is also a ‘heavy’ read in that it is about the occupation of France during WWII.  We start the story in France as the men have to leave their families to go to the war front and join in the battle.  Vianne and her sister Isabelle are left to take care of the home.  It is an interesting look at how war, from the inside, could be misunderstood. They did not believe the Germans would occupy France nor the extent to which the bombings would occur.  As we all know, they did occupy France and took control of nearly everything.  Isabelle, who is 18-19 as the story begins, struggles with this and ultimately seeks to be a member of the resistance.  Hannah’s writing is so eloquent and powerful that you actually feel what is happening.  When the Germans billet at their home, the tension is palpable.  In some scenes, we can almost hear the characters struggling to breathe.  It is an amazing story and one that will leave you wanting more. If you love Historical Fiction, this book is for you.  Additionally, Kristin Hannah has other great books to read. Stop into the library and grab one.  You won’t be disappointed. 

Tech Tools

Whether you are a student or teacher, or just need a tech tool, templates can save an immense about of time.  All too often, the amount of time it takes to find a good template negates its value.  Look no further. One of my favorite tech tool sites is DitchThatTextbook.com. They consistently put up great resources for students and teachers.  However, this one is, as I said, something everyone can use on a regular basis.  There are templates here for social media, Airbnb, activities, feedback, and much more.  Speed up your workflow by going here to get your work started.  

Digital Citizenship

At ISB, we try very hard to educate and ultimately protect students from harmful environments.  That said, we know this is a big world, and our students must be equipped with the information to be autonomous.  This means knowing what to do when a situation arises.  Unfortunately, cyberbullying is something that can occur in many ways. To help us, help students, one program we are considering is Powerof0.org. Here is some information about cyberbullying and its methods.