Middle School unveils its House System

In this past week, we have been very excited to kick off our House System in Middle School. We built up some excitement on the first day of school and then students found out which house their Advisory was part of at last Friday’s assembly.

It was VERY exciting!

The 4 MS Houses:

Today, we ended the week with a House Spirit Day in which students scored house points for dressing in their House colors and we hosted a “for fun” event to help the students in each of the four houses get to know each other. Grade 6, 7, and 8 mixed (one Advisory group each) in rooms to collaborate on some fun word puzzle games and learn each others’ names. Our hope is that students from all grades start to see each other in the halls and know a bit more about each other, thus building our wider community.


It’s been a great kick-off, with a wonderful show of fun spirit from the students and teachers alike. We look forward to more fun House events to come throughout the year.

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