You may have heard about our Global Cardboard Challenge being held in Pudong Elementary on Friday September 27th.
This will be an exciting day of team building for our students where they can use their imagination and recycled materials to create anything their hearts desire.
We need your help to make this day the great success it promises to be. Over the next three weeks, we are asking you to save any cardboard materials that you come across, including all kinds of boxes (especially large ones) toilet paper rolls, cereal packets etc and starting Monday September 23rd, send them in to school with your child.
If your family have access to large quantities of cardboard material, contact Kimbra Power, our amazing Elementary Librarian on as she is coordinating the collection of materials.
You can find out more about the history of this day, and the inspiration behind it’s beginnings by going to Mrs Power’s blog at
More information will be coming out over the next three weeks, but the main thing to do now is:
Thanks Mr Hagen and 2EH for being so interested in our Global Cardboard Challenge.
Students try and visit some of the links to learn more about it, collect all the cardboard you can at home, and
get ready to go wild with your imagination!!!
Mrs Power