New from School Counselors

Frank Sambula Jr.

We push into Advisory throughout the school year and discuss relevant topics in teenagers’ lives. In August, we met with all Grade 9 students and discussed Friendships. Specifically, we talked about changing friendships, establishing peer groups, and making new friends. In Grade 12 advisory, the topic was Time Management. Seniors feel the time crunch that comes with this school year. Even though many of our students have heard the adults in their lives discuss time management, we feel it is worth one additional review as they prepare to apply to university, take culminating exams, and launch into post-secondary life.

In September, we will meet with the Grade 9 students again and discuss Stress Reduction. As they adjust to high school, they often feel anxious about the increased academic demands. We will talk about realistic expectations and time management skills.

Later this semester, we will meet with Grade 10 and 11 students. Topics to be announced in future e-news.

Please feel free to reach out to us anytime if you want to discuss your student’s academic life and/or social/emotional well-being. We are happy to meet and can be reached at: Shannon Leoni (, Frank Sambula Jr. (, and Jackie Valenzuela (

Frank Sambula Jr.
High School Counselor

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