MS Clubs & Activities Update

A big part of the MS program are our clubs and activities offerings. In the next weeks we will be soliciting ideas from students and teachers for clubs and activities based on their interests. New suggestions, along with our ongoing activities will then be shared at our start of the year Club Fair on September 5th. 

Finding students with like-interests can be a great way for MS-aged students to make friends, find new connections, and socialize around their passions. We also find that students discover new interests during their MS years as they try new things. 

We encourage students to consider their club and activity choices with both Balance and Courage in mind. 

Balance – to ensure they don’t overcommit themselves and can be contributing members of their club or activity.

Courage – to try new things and/or discover new interests.

Please have your child on the look out in the Good Morning Middle School for an announcement to suggest club ideas. We look forward to getting our program started for the year.

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