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Justin Alexander

Dear Parents,

Thank you to our parents who joined our counseling team on Thursday as they discussed the role of social media in the lives of our students and shared recent research on this topic. If you were not able to attend then please visit the school counselor article later in this ENews to find out more. 

Speaking of parent meetings we are holding an HS Parent meeting on Tuesday, March 28th at 9.00 am in MPB1 with the main agenda item being DELVE. Students and parents received an email earlier today announcing a change to the timing of DELVE for the coming school year and we are holding this parent meeting to share DELVE feedback and to explain why we have moved the date of DELVE to late November. If you are interested to know more, then please do join us at that meeting and let us know you are coming by registering HERE.

We enjoyed a wonderful whole school Peace Day assembly today in the Rajendra where we gathered as a whole school for the first time in nearly four years. Congratulations to our GIN club HS students, MS and ES students, and their supervisors for putting together this great whole school assembly. We look forward to coming back together in a few weeks’ time for a Sogkrsan assembly – which will also be great!

Congratulations and good luck to our 3rd Season IASAS student-athletes who will be representing ISB next week at the end-of-season tournament. We host Golf and Badminton here in Bangkok, whilst our Baseball and Softball teams travel to Singapore and the Track and Field team travels even further south to Jakarta. All the best. 

Have a great weekend!
Justin Alexander
HS Principal


Have a question and don’t know who to ask? 

You can email me at or click on HS QUESTION LINK and we will get you the answer you need.

HS Parent Meetings – Semester 2 – Updated March 16th – 

ISB Panther page for Varsity and Junior Varsity game schedules etc


Maharaj Boys

Peter Assimakopoulos

WE NEED YOUR HELP! We are the Maharaj Boys, a club that aims to teach English and basic computer skills, along with providing basic necessities for the boys at the Maharaj Boys home. Though the home is government funded, the funds only cover basic needs for the boys, limiting their access to sports equipment and clothing. This is where we, as the ISB community, can step in! We are looking for second-hand items such as boy’s/men’s clothing, socks, shoes, hygiene products (deodorant, towels, toothpaste, etc.), twin bed sheets, and sports equipment (basketball, football, and table tennis). There will be a wooden container at the front of the school near the panther from the 27th of March all the way through to the 31st of March, where you can bring in the donations. Thank you for your support in helping to provide for the boys! 

Kind regards, 

Maharaj Officers 


News from University Counselors

Debbie McDowell

University Parent Coffees

There was a good turn out for the Korean Community Meeting on Wednesday. Thank you to all who attended and to our Korean Liaison, Regina Jang, who did a great job!  

The next university focused presentation will be focusing on Grade 12 transitions.  Mark your calendars for the Senior Parent Transition meeting @ 9:00 in the MPB 3 and US Visa presentation @ 3:00 in MPB 1 both on Tuesday, 4 April. Please join us if you are a parent of a grade 12 student. 

Grade 12

Seniors attended Senior Seminar on Tuesday. The university counselors spoke to the students about updating their university application results and how to handle waitlists, firm and insurance choices in the UK and deadlines for deposits. Seniors were asked to complete an evaluation of the Junior and Senior Seminar programs and their work with the university counselors. It’s always great to get feedback from the students on what we do that supports them in the university search and application process and where they feel they still need added support. We are grateful for their thoughtful and thorough responses. The last Senior Seminar will be on 18 April. 

Grade 11

Junior Led Conferences have been completed this week. It has been a very positive experience for the counselors and hopefully for the students and parents as well. Students were able to speak about their reflections on their growth and learning and present their ideas about their future university pursuits. We encourage families to continue to communicate about university choices, finances and all the decisions that go into the university application process. 

Junior Seminar #8 will be next week on Monday. The students will be submitting their first draft/planning document for university essays. This is a very difficult part of the university application process so the university counselors are scaffolding the work necessary to create a well written essay for their applications. Ask your child how their essay work is going!

Counselor Professional Development and Travel

The University Counselors are focused on keeping up with the current trends and connecting with other professionals in the field of university admissions. This week, Wednesday through Friday, Ms Shrestha attended the International School Counselors Conference at Cambridge University in the UK.  In addition, Mr. Nichols, Mr. Becker and Ms McDowell attended and presented at the Thai University Counselors Association meeting at NIST today.  One topic on that agenda is the planning of the Greater Bangkok Fairs for September 2023. Next week, Mr. Becker will be out of the office as he participates in visits to universities in Hong Kong. We are grateful to ISB for sponsoring the university counselors and allowing us to attend these important events. 

University Visits at ISB

Please encourage your child to check the list on Maia Learning and the TV screen outside the counseling office to find out about universities that will be visiting ISB.

Upcoming University Visits:

Monday, 27 March: Yamanashi Gakuin University, 11:00-11:40 @ HS Conf Room 2

Monday, 27 March: American University, 11:00-11:40 @ HS Conference Room 1

Monday, 27 March: University of Exeter, 3:00-3:40 @ HS Conference Room 

Wednesday, 29 March: University of British Columbia, 3:00-3:40 @ MPB 1

Thursday, 30 March: SHL Schweizerische Hotelfachschule Hotelfachschule Luzern, 11:00-11:40, HS Conference Room

Thursday, 30 March: College of the Holy Cross, 3:00-3:40 @ HS Conference Room

Friday, 31 March: Manchester Metropolitan University, 12:00-1:20 @ MS Skybox (Academic lecturer to speak with IB Film and Animation classes)

Monday, 3 April, Loyola Marymount University, 11:00-11:40 @ HS Conference Room

Monday, 17 April, Boston University, 3:00-3:40 @ MPB 1

Thursday, 20 April, Vanderbilt University & University of Chicago, 3:00-3:40 @ HS Conference Room 

Please encourage your child to consistently check the Virtual and Off Campus University Events spreadsheet to know what’s available. Please note that pre-registration is needed for some events.

Please check the ISB University/College Counseling website for useful information. You will find university research tools, transition resources for students and parents, recordings and slide shows from Parent Coffees and family presentations, virtual and off campus university visits, information about testing and how to sign up for the SAT at ISB, a list of summer programs about which the counselors have been informed, and the ISB School Profile.




News from School Counselors

Frank Sambula Jr.

This week the HS and MS counseling team did a parent presentation, “The Social Media Dilemma.” The workshop focused on the issue of adolescent tech usage, social media, and how it affects their mental health, such as depression and loneliness. During the session, parents had the opportunity to share their concerns and strategies to minimize tech usage in their households. A summarized pdf version of the presentation will be sent out next week.

The counseling team understands the misuse of social media and smartphones is an ongoing concern in our community and globally. Our intention for the workshop was to bring awareness by sharing current data and starting a conversation with parents on how we can tackle this issue as a community. Please rest assured that we’re also providing information and awareness to your children. Last semester, we did a presentation for grade 9, and next week will do a presentation for grade 10 students during advisory.

As a community, we also understand that some parents may struggle to help their children balance their tech usage. If you need additional support in this area, you are welcome to contact your child’s school counselor. The counseling team hopes to partner with parents to find solutions to use technology in a positive way that will not cause harm to their child’s mental health.



News from HS Library

Christopher Bell

Please click News from HS Library 


Robotics for Kids

Peter Assimakopoulos

Robotics for Kids (R4K) is a club that aims to provide opportunities for robotics and programming knowledge to all children. Funds will go towards the donation of robotics materials for our local partner schools, where R4K student coaches will conduct lessons to spread their knowledge to their peers. For more information, please visit our website, our Instagram @r4kclubthailand, or contact us at and



Season 3 IASAS is here!

Kelly McKenna

Come and support your ISB Panthers next week as we host season 3 Golf & Badminton IASAS. 

  • Badminton- Come to Rajendra and Sports Complex on Thurs- Sat. 
  • Golf- Our Golf team will be playing at Bangkok Golf Club
  • Track & Field will be at JIS in Jakarta
  • Softball & Baseball will be at Singapore American School  

HERE is the IASAS Badminton Schedule which is running here on campus. This one has all the games.

HERE is a summary of the ISB games from Badminton, Softball, Baseball, Golf and Track and Field. We will update the streaming links soon


Anthony Giles

Registration for Season 4 after school programs opens at 6:00pm on Thursday March 30th and will remain open through 6:00pm on Thursday, April 6th. See details about how to sign up through CCA below. Again, it is our sincere hope that by having a multitude of programs available in one place for families, it will make it easier for parents to talk with their kids about what’s on, and to decide together what to get involved with after school.

CCA (Co-Curricular Activities) Registration on PowerSchool

Sign ups for after school programs are just a few clicks away. Simply log into PowerSchool and click the CCA Registration button to start exploring the many activities available for your child.

Payment & Enrollment

Payment is required to register for any pay-to-play programs. Scholastic, or ‘free’ programs require simply one click on the “register” button associated with each activity to enroll a student. Some programs have a limited number of participant spaces so registration will be blocked once an activity is full. Note that sign ups for Panther Explore will be limited to two activities per child and that registration for Cool Arts Club will be honored on a first-come, first served basis with priority given to students who have not taken the class before.  

New Panther Activities for Season 4

Look for new offerings under Panther Explore including Climbing Club and Rippa Rugby, as well as Ninja Parkour and Surfskate under Panther Xtreme, and brand new this season, Minecraft under Panther Esports. 

Refund Policy

The two reasons we would consider a refund are:

  1. Your child has a medical issue that requires them to stop an activity (documentation is required) 
  2. Your family is leaving the country in the middle of the season 

Cancellations & Changes

Every effort will be made to make up weather related cancellations, however refunds will not be issued for activities that are canceled due to circumstances beyond the control of Panther Activities or Athletics. We reserve the right to make necessary administrative modifications (i.e. instructor, combining classes, location, cancellations, etc.). Changes will be promptly communicated to parents via the email address provided with your registration.

Supervision for PK-G1 Students (required)

Parent or Nanny supervision is required for all PK-G1 students involved with after school activities. If you are not able to provide supervision for your child as they transition between school and the first activity session only (2:40-3:40pm) you must sign up for support on CCA before registering for Season 4 activities. Note that we do not provide support for students transitioning from session 1 to session 2 activities (3:40-4:00pm). This is solely the responsibility of parents or nannies.  

Early Release Days (ERD)

Our after-school activities/athletics will begin at their regularly scheduled times on ERD days (May 17). This means that there will be a 90-minute gap between the end of the school day and the beginning of session 1 for which Parent or Nanny supervision is required for all PK-G1 students. 


On behalf of all of our coaches, instructors, support staff and coordinators, thank you for signing your children up for our after school programs. We can’t wait to work with your kids! – Chris, Kelley, Fon and Anthony



Arts & Activities @ ISB

Anthony Giles



1-31  ISB Arts in March (ISBAM) 

14-27 ES KG-G5 Music COL’s See Complete Schedule Here

16-18  AMIS MS Honor Orchestra Festival @ ISB

18  AMIS MS Honor Orchestra Gala Concert @ CC Theater 

17  ES Visual Art Exhibition Opening @ Chevron Gallery

17-April 7  ES Visual Art Exhibition @ ISB

24  PK-G12 Peace Day Assembly @ Rajendra Hall, ISB

25-27  THAI Model United Nations @ Brighton College 

28  HS Jazz Night 2 @ CC Theater

31  Applications Due for Kinnari Music Festival

31-A1  MS Model United Nations @ ISB



4  IB Visual Art Exhibition Opening @ CC Theater Gallery

4-May 5  IB Visual Art Exhibition @ CC Theater Gallery

5  Arts Council/Amnesty Intl ‘Light Up Night’ @ Outdoor Stage

20-21  HS Spring Drama Production @ CC Theater 

25  HS Spring Music Concert @ Chevron Theater

25-27  VEX Worlds @ Dallas, TX, USA



Please join us for the IB Visual Art Opening at 6:30PM Tuseday, April 4th in the CCT Gallery. See the artwork. Meet the artists. Enjoy live music and reception.



Anthony Giles

Please join us for the IB Visual Art Opening at 6:30PM Tuesday, April 4th in the CCT Gallery. See the artwork. Meet the artists. Enjoy live music and reception.



Anthony Giles

The High School Spring Drama Showcase is an exhibit of ten short student-directed performances. These include both scripted and devised works, and all have been chosen or created, directed and perfected by ISB Drama students. Each piece runs between 3-15 minutes in length, and the showcase also includes the first appearance on stage by ISB’s very own Varsity Drama Improv troupe! Tickets are free and are available in the Panther Den or at the door.

Thursday 20th April – 6:30pm – CC Theatre


TIME Raising Multilinguals “How?” A Follow-up Parent Workshop

Avery Udagawa

How can parents nurture native language besides speaking it with their children and enrolling them in classes?

Find out by joining us on 28 March 2023, from 7:45-9:15 a.m. in MPB 3, for the workshop Raising Multilinguals “How?” Unlocking the World Through Language-Rich Experiences.

In this workshop, a followup to Raising Multilinguals, we will explore how families can promote literacy (reading and writing) and rich conversation, in support of the family language plan.

Parents of students in PreK through Grade 12 are welcome! The workshop will be held in MPB 3. If you have any questions, please email:

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