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‘Kindness and Opportunity’

Justin Alexander

Dear Parents

I write to you today with positivity and excitement about the year ahead. We have just enjoyed a great first week of school in the High School which was capped off by the Grade 9 Community Day which is taking place as I write this message to you. Our Grade 9 advisory team along with our CAS and Service Learning coordinator Peter Assimakopoulos partnered with the Jump Foundation to put together a day of fun, engagement, and activities for our students and teachers. If you are the parent of a Grade 9 student, please do check in with them and ask them how their day went and if they made a new friend today. 

Speaking of friends and friendship, I wanted to share with you the message from our opening assembly on Monday afternoon. Mr. Vaughan spoke about the importance of kindness and acceptance in today’s busy and challenging world. The news that we see every day on our screens about the conflicts and tragedies taking place across the globe may give rise to a sense of helplessness or inability to make an impact or a change. However, we know that our students and our community can make make a difference simply by being kind to one another. Putting yourselves in the shoes of others, acknowledging the differences that we have, and being welcoming and accepting will help us build a thriving and supportive community at school and at home. 

The other theme shared at our assembly on Monday was about opportunities. The changes in restrictions and the opening up in Thailand mean that there are more opportunities for our students to get involved, be active, and be engaged in service and other activities. There is a myriad of opportunities at ISB (and outside) for our students to be involved in, all I ask is that students look out for these opportunities as they arise and to take advantage. We have a great year of opportunity in front of us which is very exciting. 

The energy of our students is unbelievable and our teachers are thrilled to be back working with them in the classroom again. We look forward to a great year of learning and experiences for all of our students. 

Have a great weekend.
Justin Alexander 
High School Principal


New HS Faculty
Justin Alexander

Along with 90 new ISB HS students, we are also thrilled to welcome the following new teachers to ISB. They come to us with a variety of backgrounds and experiences from all over the world and have already settled into life in Bangkok and at ISB. Please join me in welcoming them to our community. Whilst their names are listed below, you can also watch a short introduction video that was shared at the Assembly earlier in the week to get to know them a bit better. 

New HS Faculty Introduction Video

New HS Faculty list

Ted Barnwell MS/HS Social Studies
Enrique Caballero HS Spanish Language
Loic Charton HS French Language
Madalina Corneanu HS Math
Richard Ford HS Science
Skye Jamieson HS Annual Sub
Laurie Johnston HS Social studies
Ramesh (Ram) Mahadevan HS Computer Science
Josh Marks HS Learning Support
Sara McCosh HS Social Studies
Nathan Mees HS English
Maddie Meredith HS Learning Support Associate
Siraphassorn (Yim) Pimpirat HS Thai Language
Frank Sambula HS Counselor
Scott Seiple HS Science
Emily Stewart MS/HS Strings
Jasmine Topp HS Annual Sub
Tishy’ Vincent-Johnson HS Learning Support Associate
Ginny Voigt HS Social studies


Uniform -Short Length
Andy Vaughan

As we have returned from summer we have seen a variety of students who are not following uniform guidelines this week. We have adopted a ‘warning’ approach this week and had conversations with students to share expectations. In particular, we are seeing a trend of shorts that are very short and inappropriate for the school setting.

We allow for flexibility with school pants as the bookstore pants simply do not fit all shapes and sizes and therefore we ask that school pants that are not purchased from the bookstore have the following expectations:

  1. Pants should be plain khaki or plain black and smart casual in their appearance.
  2. Fabric should not be jeans material, spandex or similar.
  3. Pants need to be appropriate length, which is defined as 1/3 of the hip to knee, or no shorter than to the end of one’s thumb tips with arms extended.
  4. Tighter pants are allowed however, spandex and ‘yoga’ style  sports pants are not allowed. 
  5. Pants should also be free from larger branding (small discrete symbols are allowed). Booster shorts and pyjamas are not part of the school uniform.

For this coming week any not in appropriate attire will be asked to change into bookstore shorts that we have in the High School Office. Parents will receive an email in all situations where a student has been asked to change so that new pants can be purchased.

We appreciate your partnership with us to ensure your child is prepared with the correct uniform so we can focus on conversations around learning.

As a reminder from last week’s enews, our dress code policy can be found on page 40 of the online student handbook under ‘Uniform and Dress Code’. 

For a quick summary of the other key uniform requirements, please note the following:

  • Hoodies and sweaters must be purchased from the Booster Hut. 
  • Every Friday students will have a specific focused alternative dress day in which they will be able to wear ISB Team-wear, class shirts, ISB club wear or themed dress as per the planned schedule for that week. Our Student Council will be sharing these dress days with students directly in the coming weeks
  • Footwear should be comfortable, practical and safe. Open toe shoes are not allowed such as slippers and flip flop sandals.


Permission to Leave Campus Early Form
Andy Vaughan

Standing Agreement to Leave Campus Early During a Free Last Block.

Students in High School may apply for the privilege of leaving school early on days that they have the last block free.  Parents need to complete an online form this year through Operoo to approve this standing agreement. This permission may only be used in the last block of the school day where the student has a free block. 

When exiting campus, students will still need to come and collect a temporary gate pass from the HS Attendance Secretary to indicate they have permission to leave campus.  

Please note that students who leave campus are not covered by the school’s insurance policy since they are unsupervised during this time.  While off campus, the Parent assumes responsibility for their child.

For information on how to access Operoo, please refer to this video.

To complete this form for your child, please follow this link.

Please note that ISB Bus travellers are not able to be issued this agreement as they are not travelling home on school sponsored transport

Andy Vaughan
HS Dean of Students


Excusing Absences

Andy Vaughan

Any absence that is necessary for a HS student should be excused by parents via email to our HS Attendance secretary, Khun Gade 02 963 5883 (ext. 3305) or email: It is appreciated if this email can be received before 8.00am so that we can alert teachers early. 

It is important that we receive this parental contact, because without it, your child is marked as absent (X) on PowerSchool.  Unexcused absences may result in additional consequences, such as a discipline consequence or loss of credit if excessive absences take place within a subject. You can see whether your child has been marked absent (X) on any day using PowerSchool.  If we receive confirmation from parents that the absence is excused/explained, then we adjust the code to reflect that. Please help us to ensure we best understand the reasons for your child missing school.

Please also note if a student misses a class during the day, they are not able to participate in co-curricular activities on that day without prior approval from the Dean of Students.

For extended absences, parents should email Andy Vaughan ( and copy in their child’s counselor and Khun Gade ( for approval. Please note that in order to gain credit in a class, students must not exceed 7 absences (excused or unexcused). 

Covid related absences

For any student that tests positive, please ensure that you record this result on the ATK testing form if the test is on a Sunday night. Please also send an email to the following point people:

ISB Nurse:
Justin Alexander:
Andy Vaughan:

For students who are not able to attend school due to testing positive to COVID and the 7 day quarantine period, these students will have a code of NPVS (Not Present Virtual School) listed on PowerSchool. 

Please note that this does not count towards their accumulated absences. Students who are isolating due to covid need to log onto their Google Classroom to keep up with their classwork.



PowerSchool Schedules and Schedule Changes 

Justyna McMillan

Student schedules are available on PowerSchool. Please ask your child to log into PowerSchool and access their schedule under the ‘MySchedule’ Link.


 If students have any issues accessing PowerSchool, they should email Mr. Chris Bell ( 

 With the start of a new school year there are always a few disruptions and changes to a students schedule. Students may request a schedule change through their counselor up until the 25th August, master schedule permitting. Please be aware that due to some courses being full, change requests may not be possible for all classes.

Please make sure that your child checks their schedule on Monday morning, to see if there were any changes. 


News from School Counselors

Jackie Valenzuela

We hope your student/students’ first week of school has gone well and that they are settling into their routine.  Over the next few weeks, we will be meeting individually with all of our new high school students to check in and see how their transition to ISB is going.  After that we will focus on meeting with our Grade 9 students who are making the big transition to high school.  Then, we will meet individually with our remaining students throughout the first semester.  In the meantime, if anything comes up and you would like for your student’s counselor to reach out, please let us know. 

Speaking of your student’s counselor, we have a new school counselor in the high school. His name is Mr. Frank Sambula Jr. We are super happy to have him here at ISB. Please stop by his office and introduce yourself in a few weeks during Open House. Mr. Sambula, along with Ms. Leoni and I, are looking forward to working with your student/s in partnership with you.

Next Thursday, August 25, is the last day to make schedule changes.  Please ask your student if they are feeling settled in their classes and to reach out to their counselor before next Thursday with any schedule change requests.



News from University Counselors

Debbie McDowell

Hello Panther Parents!  The first week of school has been busy and exciting for the university counselors. We have welcomed over 90 new students to the high school and reconnected with returning students. 

The university counselors had the opportunity to meet with the grade 11 and 12 classes to introduce them to Junior and Senior Seminars. The first Senior Seminar will be next week on Thursday, 25 August to kickstart the university application process with the students. The first Junior Seminar will be on 27 September when the counselors will lead the students on the first activity regarding self reflection. 

University visits will resume on campus this year. Many colleges and universities are signing up to come to ISB and connect with our students. We look forward to hosting many university admissions officers from around the world. Please encourage your child to check the list of university visits in MaiaLearning and in the student bulletin often as new visits are added frequently. All students are invited to attend the sessions. High School parents are welcome to attend as well and are reminded that students must take the lead. So, please be gracious in allowing the students to ask questions and connect with the admission representatives before parents participate. 

Three university visits are currently planned for the week of 29 August – 2 September:

Monday, 29 August: Les Roches Global Hospitality Education and Glion Institute of Higher Learning, 11:00-11:40 AM, HS Conference Room

Monday, 29 August: Shoreline Community College, 3:00-3:30 PM, HS Conference Room 

Mark your calendars for the ISB Greater Bangkok University Fair which will be on the morning of 22 September on campus. Over 200 universities from over 20 countries will be present to speak about programs offered at their institution. All grade 10, 11, and 12 students will be released from class to attend the fair. Parents are invited to attend as well. Watch this space for details as the time gets near. 

There are still many virtual events taking place and our students are invited to attend.  Please have your child check the Virtual University Events spreadsheet to know what’s available. Please note that pre-registration is needed for some events.

The university counselors will be presenting many parent/family meetings during the year.  Please watch this space for details and mark your calendars:

30 August, 6:30 PM, Senior Family Night, Chevron

15 September, 9:00 AM, Parent Coffee #1, Introduction to ISB University Counseling Program, MPB 1

28 September, 6:30 PM, Junior Family Night, Chevron

Class of 2023:  Right now seniors should be meeting with their own university counselor to share their proposed university application list. Together they can assess the balance and diversity of the list. Finalizing a strong list is important as the student starts completing the applications. In addition, students should be sharing the current draft of their application essay and/or personal statement with their counselor for feedback.  

SAT on Saturday, 27 August

ISB will be administering the SAT on Saturday, 27 August. Check-in will begin at 7:30 AM and the test is scheduled to start at 8:00AM. Students must properly wear their masks at all times. Any student who does not follow the strict COVID guidelines will not be allowed to sit the test. In addition, all students must bring the following items with them to be admitted to campus and the test rooms:  School ID, National ID (passport or Thai national ID card), printed admissions ticket. Students are allowed to have a clear water bottle with them during testing but any snacks/food must be eaten outside. No food can be consumed in the testing room. Students may only bring pencils, erasures and acceptable calculators into the test room. Students must properly wear their masks at all times or they will be asked to leave the testing site and their test will be canceled without being scored. If you have any questions about the SAT, please reach out to Ms Shrestha in the HS Counseling Office. 

Please check the ISB University/College Counseling website for loads of information. You will find university research tools, transition resources for students and parents, recordings of Parent Coffees and family presentations, virtual university visits, information about testing and how to sign up for the SAT at ISB, a list of summer programs about which the counselors have been informed, and the ISB School Profile.




Club Fairs next week

Peter Assimakopoulos

Did you know that we have over 50 student-run clubs in the high school? The Club Fairs next week are a perfect opportunity to learn more about what they do and when they meet. The clubs that meet on Mondays will be the only ones presenting at the fair on Monday, August 22nd. Clubs that meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays will be at the fair on Thursday, August 25th. 

Clubs have designated meeting days and times –

Monday and Thursday panther block and

Monday and Tuesday after school.  

 Clubs that meet on Mondays during panther block and Mondays after school will be at Monday’s Club Fair (10:50 – 11:20 am), and clubs that meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays will be at Thursday’s Club Fair (10:50 – 11:20 am). Click the schedule link below for the list of clubs attending the fair. 

 Students will have an opportunity to learn more about the club offerings in the high school and have the time to learn more about each club. Help get your child involved next week by attending the Club Fairs during panther block on Monday and Thursday. Getting involved in a club is a phenomenal way to pursue a passion and make new friends.  

 Please see the Club Fair Schedule for further information (website open only to users). The Club Schedule and Club Descriptions can also be found on the CAS Website.

Peter Assimakopoulos
CAS and Service Learning Coordinator


News from HS Library

Christopher Bell

Please click News from HS Library



ISB Athletics Update:

Chris Mott

Junior Varsity Season 1 sports begin on Monday, August 22nd. Please make sure that you know where to go and bring the proper equipment. Have fun, work hard and good luck! Tryout information is below:

JV  Tryout Information 
Team Tryout Dates Time Location of Tryouts
JV Cross country

Monday, August 22

Wednesday, August 24

Friday, August 26

3:00- 5:000pm

JV Girls Volleyball HS Auxi
JV Boys Volleyball HS Auxi
JV Girls Soccer Reinsch Field
JV Boys Soccer   Field D

Panther Run: 



Anthony Giles

IASAS Visual Art Delegate 2022 Interest Survey

This year’s IASAS Art CC will likely be live and hosted by the International School of Manila. It will take place November 9-13 and will include 8 traveling delegates and 25 artworks. Please complete the survey HERE before Wednesday, August 24th to register your interest in being considered as a traveling delegate and/or submitting artwork for inclusion in the IASAS CC Art Exhibition.

There will be an informational meeting in Mr. Snook’s room (AT 4108) during lunch on Wednesday, August 24th for ALL students that have filled out the IASAS Interest Survey. 

Thank you,
Mr. Snook & Mr. Tahan


Girl Powered G8&9 Robotics

Anthony Giles

Always wanted to try robotics? Thinking about finding out more about STEAM in your future? In G8 or 9? Then this is the event for you. We are looking to form a Girl Powered VEX Robotics team from G8&9 this year and are holding this event to find some interested members.

When: Saturday 3rd September 12pm – 4pm 

Fill in this form to reserve your spot

We will be starting in the invention center at 12pm and building your first ever VEX robot in small teams. We will then move up to the MPB for a mini competition where we will invite your families to come and watch. The cost of the event is 300THB and will include the cost of snacks, all the supplies and some special gifts for you all. Spaces are limited to 25 participants and will be given on a first come first served basis.

More information will follow after sign-ups. Contact Sarah Steward with any questions.


Invention Center After School Program & Invention Center Saturdays

Anthony Giles

The Invention Center welcomes you to a new school year! The Invention Center is an amazing resource for the ISB community; offering access to 3D printers, laser cutters, CNC machines, sewing machines, as well as a full suite of woodworking and metalworking tools. We want this resource to be available to the school community outside of the classroom. Our after school program is a free drop in program available to any middle school or high school students or ISB parents every day after school until 6pm and Saturdays from 8am-2pm. Students or parents can come use the space at any of these times and learn how to use the tools or get help with projects. There are also many materials available that can be used for free. In addition, we have Invention Center Saturdays where most Saturdays there will be a specific project that is advertised in the school newsletters that students can sign up for. If you have any questions contact the after school coordinator, Mr. Dynes at, or stop by the Invention Center to get a tour of the space. 

Jazz Fundamentals for Wind Players 

Anthony Giles

Khun Nin’s Jazz Fundamentals explores jazz theory and techniques through interactive lessons focusing on skill and theory development. Khru Nin offers a fun group oriented learning environment for student musicians to grow and improve upon their musicianship. Grades 7-12/ Intermediate (one year experience)/ 3-5 student limit


By: Maes Suwantra, BOT Secretary

Ms. Mary Ann Morse Banker and her family has left ISB and Thailand, creating a vacancy on the Board of Trustees for this school year. Mary Ann has been an invaluable and dedicated member of the Board for the last three years and we all wish her well in her future endeavours.

In this regard, we would like to announce the vacancy to the ISA community (specifically ISB parents who are not employees of ISB) and call for candidates who are willing to be considered for the said position. If you are interested, please fill out the attached Board of Trustees Nomination Form and send it to Joy Davy, at this email address: .

If you have any questions regarding the said position, please don’t hesitate to contact me or at this number: 084 100 0051.

The deadline for the submission of nomination forms is 12:00 noon Friday September 2, 2022.




Old Fabric Donations Wanted

Trista Meisner

End Racism. Build Peace. 

For Peace Day 2022, the Art Department is asking for donations of fabric and ribbon that is colorful and patterned.

It could be old clothes, dresses, tablecloths, curtains, napkins, or anything else. If you have any traditional fabrics from your home country or travels that you no longer need or are using, please consider donating them to this ISB community art project.

If you are able, it would be most helpful if you could please cut or tear the fabric into 2-4 cm. wide strips (see below) before donating. 

What: Colorful, patterned ribbon and old fabric, torn or cut into 2-4 cm. wide strips

Where: Drop off near the Panther (in front of the turnstile on the left, facing the Panther)

When: Friday, 19 Aug – Friday, 2 September 2022

Why: Peace Day community art project to support our community’s commitment to end racism and build peace.


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