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Message from HS Principal

Justin Alexander

Dear Parents,

It has been a great week of school with more students returning to class each day. The majority of students that were missing school last week due to being a positive case or a close contact have now returned to school. All of the positive HS student cases were either mild cases or completely asymptomatic and we are glad to have them back in classes. 

ISB has been releasing a regular covid update in the Thursday all-school Enews. This update has been sharing the numbers of positive cases at school (students and faculty) and also any new changes made to the covid risk matrix. Please do read this message written by Dr. Davies every Thursday as there are changes being made to our protocols regularly. A significant change made recently is the reduction of the quarantine period (from 7 days to 3 days) for close contacts who have contracted and recovered from Covid within the previous 90 days. 

Last week we shared in our Enews article details as to how close contact and recovered covid positive students can stay connected with their teachers and their classmates when they are absent form school. We are committed to keeping the school open and having students in their classes (of course following the safety protocols etc in place) and have been able to do this even if the number of students absences is higher than usual. 

As mentioned earlier, we have seen many students return to school and hope that this trend will continue. We have shared a graph of the absences below for your information.

Thank you again for your participation in the conferences last Friday, it was great to see parents back on campus again and we look forward to being able to continue to give more access to the campus in the weeks ahead. 

Enjoy the weekend and we look forward to seeing you at the Principals Forum on Thursday (registration details are elsewhere in this ENews edition).

Justin Alexander
HS Principal   

Student Vaccines: 

Justin Alexander

Please find an update to a previous e-mail communication in mid-February.  At this time, full-dose Moderna Booster dose vaccines are still available for current ISB students who meet the age criteria.  We have not been given clearance from the Hospital for half-dose vaccines of Moderna.  Pfizer doses (in various doses) are available through the government rollout at Bang Sue Vaccine Center for those above 12.  For further details, please reach out to the ISB Health Center.


SPRING 2022 – High School Principal’s Forum – Invite 

HS Principal FORUM

We are inviting all HS parents to attend our in person Principal’s Forum next Thursday, 24th March, 9:00-10:15am in the Cultural Centre Theater (CCT). 

The topics to be addressed and discussed include: 

COVID, Virtual School & zoom, IB questions, College Counseling, Assessments, Substitute teacher and absences, Cafeteria, Library opening hours, vaccine booster and new HS schedule. 

All HS parents are welcome to attend. The meeting will be led by Principal Justin Alexander with Dean of Academics, Justyna McMillan, Dean of Students, Andy Vaughan and HS Team members. 

Parents wishing to attend the meeting should pre-register using this FORM leaving your email address and full name. 

In order to enter campus on Thursday March 24th parents must have a current ISB card, have taken an ATK and completed the declaration form on Wednesday evening (4:00 – 8:00 PM).

The HS Principal’s Forum (PF) is an important channel of communication between parents and the administration. It is a platform to allow all parents to bring forward any questions, suggestions, or concerns to the Committee composed of parents representing grades 9-12 and EAL language communities. All your questions have been shared with the administration anonymously. 

Please feel free to be in touch with us if you would like more information about the HS PF:

On behalf of our Principal’s Forum Parents’ Committee, we look forward to seeing you on campus March 24th, 

Mrs. Debbie Gunderson: (Grade 9, Co-Chair 2021-2023) 

Dr. Dhooleka Raj: (Grade 11, Co-Chair 2020-2022)


ATK Kits coming home today

Andy Vaughan

Your child should have brought home three boxes of ATK’s today or yesterday. If they did not have the chance to get this from their advisory teacher, please ask them to drop by the HS office to pick up their supplies.

The last set of kits distributed to students will run out this Sunday 20 March, this next round should last until Sunday 8 May. 

Last week we communicated an anticipated change in the ATK brand, however the supplier was able to deliver the same Panbio brand that families are used to.

As a reminder, ATK’s supplied to each child is based on their use only at the scheduled and required ISB times (Sun/Wed). If ATK’s provided by the school have been used by families for additional testing purposes, then we ask for you to replenish them yourself by purchasing ATK’s from a local pharmacy.


DELVE Important Update!

Dear Parents,

We are currently reimagining some of our DELVE trips for this upcoming May.  

DELVE – Purpose

DELVE trips are rewarding for all students as they make new connections, work together in a hands-on environment, and get a sense of accomplishment by the end of the week. It is an enriching experience that all students look forward to and where we make an impact on the communities around us. 

The Discover Explore Learn Volunteer Enrich DELVE program is designed to give students the experiences that will inspire them to become caring global citizens.  

Important Safety Requirement

For safety reasons on overnight trips outside of Bangkok, please note that parents could be required to pick up their child if their child tested positive for COVID or was considered a high risk contact with someone who tested positive for COVID. We understand that this may be an obstacle for parents to give permission to their child to attend an overnight trip.  

We are currently in the process of looking at other medical options to transport students back to Bangkok, but these may not be viable. Students would be isolated comfortably until their parents could come to take them home. 

Important Changes Made

We are no longer flying with any DELVE courses. All DELVE trips that require a flight have been removed and new options will be added for students to choose from. All trips will be less than a 4 hour drive from Bangkok. Knowing that we are only a drive away will allow us to viably maintain the safety protocols if something COVID related were to happen. We continue to investigate ways that we can provide more safety on trips, transport students, and prevent any positive cases. 

Re-registration DELVE 

Students will be asked to re-register for DELVE starting March 28th. Students will keep the number they selected for the Lucky Draw and will have a chance to re-select from the courses we are offering. This will include all the new courses. In our communication to students, we will ask your child to talk with you before making any decision on their course selections. Prices and itineraries for the new courses will be made available next week (March 21-25, 2022).  

DELVE registrations are prioritised by grade level with first priority sign-ups given to Grade 11 students and final priority to Grade 9.  

About DELVE 
Discover Explore Learn Volunteer Enrich (DELVE) is an experiential learning week which takes students into local communities where students experience unique learning experiences. These are usually built around deepening a students’ cultural understanding or partaking in community service to enrich the local community they are working with.

 Students will engage in sustainable service and/or gain awareness of issues that transcend borders. They will develop an understanding of issues of poverty, indigenous peoples, and environmental degradation and preservation while simultaneously helping people. Students will often plan and work as teams, strengthening their teamwork for a common goal of greater good.  With every activity planned, we will maintain our COVID prevention protocols and ensure the safety of all students. 

 Students who successfully complete their DELVE course requirements will receive ¼ elective credit.  DELVE is a required course for graduation from ISB.   

 Our students may support local communities through their travel, engage in protection of the environment or direct service work for the benefit of others, and many of the trips also include an element of adventure and physical activity, such as hiking, biking or scuba diving. 

 If you have any questions or concerns about DELVE, please contact Peter Assimakopoulos (

Peter Assimakopoulos 




News from University Counselors

Debbie McDowell


World Virtual Fair:  Tuesday 22 March

Please find attached two flyers for the Virtual Fair on Tuesday, 22nd March & The Knowledge Sessions on Wednesday, 23rd March. 

Students & parents only need to register once to attend both days via the link: 

For the virtual fair, 45 Universities from 12 different countries, including several Top 100 universities have confirmed their attendance. There is a nice mixture of large multi faculty institutions mixed in with small campus universities.  Hopefully there is something for everyone in the university list.  

The knowledge sessions are going to be fantastic.  If there is a scheduling clash with sessions that run concurrently- all sessions are recorded and will be automatically stored on the connectED platform.  You can watch and rewatch sessions as much as you like at your own leisure. 

Remember to register and don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity!!!!!

Class of 2022

There are several events that will be provided for parents of seniors in the near future.  Mark your calendar. If you are the parent of a senior who will be going to the US for university as an international student and will require a student visa, please plan on attending (on campus) the US Visa Presentation by the US Embassy Consular Office on Thursday, 7 April at 3:00 PM in the MPB 1

Also there will be a Transitions Presentation by the university counselors for parents of seniors on that same day, Thursday, 7 April at 9:00 AM.  At this time, we expect that presentation to be virtual but if we can move it to in person/zoom, we will do so. Please watch this space for details as we near that date. 

 Seniors will attend Senior Seminar next week on Tuesday where they will have the opportunity to complete the Senior Survey for University Counseling and prepare thank you notes for their recommenders or other adults at ISB who have supported them along the way.  All seniors will also meet with Mrs. McMillian during that Core period. 

Looking ahead, the university counselors are working with the grade 12 advisors to provide several opportunities for the students to connect with graduates of ISB who will be able to share their university experiences. And… There will be the chance for the seniors to also participate in the “Been There, Done That” discussion with the grade 11 students to give them sage advice on how to prepare for and handle their upcoming senior year. 

Class of 2023

Junior Led Conferences are beginning to wind down and are scheduled to be completed this month!  All grade 11 students should have already scheduled their required Junior Led Conference before the end of March with their university counselor and their parents. The meeting will be the starting point for the university research and selection process for each student and family. This is a mandatory meeting and both parents are expected to attend, in person or via zoom. If a parent wants to attend the meeting in person, please let the counselor know in advance of the meeting and an invitation to come on campus can be arranged (with proper Covid protocols.) The counselors look forward to hearing from the students about what their plans are for life after ISB!  Looking ahead, the next Junior Seminar will be on 28 March

Parent Coffees Continue!

Thanks to all those who joined the Applying to Australia Parent Coffee on Monday. It was an excellent presentation by Mr Nichols. You can see the recording and slides here

We will be having two parent meetings next week as we begin our community meetings. 

Be sure to join the university counselors on Monday, 21 March @ 10:00 AM for the Japanese Community Meeting. Parents can join by clicking on this link. The presentation will be in English but we will have an interpreter available to explain in Japanese as needed and to assist parents who feel most comfortable asking questions in Japanese. 

On Wednesday, 23 March @ 9:00 AM we will host the Korean Community Meeting. Parents can join by clicking on this link. Again, the presentation will be in English but we will have an interpreter available to explain in Korean as needed and to assist parents who feel most comfortable asking questions in Korean. 

The university counselors are excited about meeting with our different communities, providing information and answering their questions. 

Future Parent Coffees are scheduled for: 

21 March @ 10:00 AM: Japanese Community Meeting

23 March @ 9:00 AM: Korean Community Meeting

28 March @ 9:00 AM: Thai Community Meeting

31 March @ 9:00 AM: Chinese Community Meeting

25 April @ 9:00 AM:  Financing University Studies

Please watch this space for information about location, links and details. 


University Visits

Virtual university visits: Be sure to check the Virtual University Visit list for university presentations that are available for students and families to join. 

Please check the ISB University/College Counseling website for loads of information. You will find university research tools, transition resources for students and parents, recordings of Parent Coffees and family presentations, virtual university visits, information about testing and how to sign up for the SAT at ISB, a list of summer programs about which the counselors have been informed, and the ISB School Profile.


News from HS Library

Christopher Bell

Please click News from HS Library



Spirit Week – 21st – 25th March 

Chris Mott

Get ready for Spirit Week which will be happening from the 21st – 25th of March 

Monday – Rock Your Socks

Tuesday – Intercultural Day

Wednesday – Jersey Day

Thursday – Dress up as Teacher Day

Friday – Black and Gold Day

Upcoming events 

Friday 25th March: BMAC Track Meet – High School

Friday 25th March: Spirit Night

Saturday 26th March: BMAC JV Badminton @ NIST

Saturday 26th March: BMAC JV Softball @ BPS


Invention Center Saturdays Start March 19th. Check it out!!!

Anthony Giles

“This Saturday, come to the Invention Center from 10am-12pm and make a wooden decoration in honor of Ramadan and EID. Choose a design 

we have selected or make your own design and then learn how to use the Laser Cutters to cut out your art. This project is free and open to any middle or high school students. Contact Travis Dynes at to sign up. We will have space and materials available for the first 10 students that sign up.”


ISB Arts in March (ISBAM) (Repeat)

Anthony Giles
March 1st through 31st, 2022

1 MS Spring Play Rehearsals Begin 

3-5 IASAS Cultural Convention 

7 HS Musical Rehearsals Begin

10-31 ES, MS & HS Visual Arts Exhibitions

15 MS Mindstorms Robotics Competition

19 MS/HS Invention Center Saturdays Begin

19 HS Battle in Bangkok Robotics Competition @ NIST

22 Christo Inspired ISB 70th Anniversary Installation 

24 Hanuman Film Festival 

25 & 28 IB Dance Madness

30 HS Jazz Nite II

31 ISBAM Artists Under the Stars & Arts Fest



Enjoy the Art! (Repeat)

Anthony Giles

Now that campus is open weekday afternoons from 3:45 and weekends, please visit the elementary, middle, and high school visual arts exhibits (locations listed here)  to see the amazing creations of our student artists, and how they have responded to the challenge of bringing their ideas to life in a variety of media, colors, and forms. Open now through the end of March. Enjoy the Art!


Hanuman Film Festival (Repeat)

Anthony Giles

6:00pm March 24th CC Theater

Aspiring filmmakers and film lovers, please join us on March 24th at 6:00pm in the CC Theater for the 2nd Annual ISB Hanuman Film Festival where we will be showcasing and awarding ISB student films along with presenting awards for the top films! Tickets can be purchased at the door the night of the event or at the lunch booth March 21st-24th! We hope to see you there! 

Questions? Contact


Jazz Nite II 6:30pm, March 30, 2022 in te CC Theater (Repeat)

Anthony Giles

The ISB Jazz Combo will perform their second concert of the school year on Wednesday, March 30th at 6:30 pm in the CCT. The focus of the concert will be on the music of 3 great jazz artists/composers: Thelonius Monk, Lee Morgan, and Nat Adderley. Through their music, we learn about the many genres of this unique art form that start with the letter ‘B’ – Blues, Ballad, Bossa, Boogaloo, Bop and Broadway.  The highly personal art of improvisation will be stressed throughout the concert, along with the great melodies and harmonies of 1940’s, 50’s and 60’s jazz standards.  The concert is free to the public, and all are reminded about following the appropriate protocols for attending concerts, including masks and social distancing when seated.  We hope to see you there to enjoy some great tunes and support the work of our HS jazz musicians this semester.

Artists Under the Stars: Spring Edition (Repeat)

Anthony Giles

6:00pm March 31st at the Panther Outdoor Stage 

As we continue to celebrate ISB’s Arts in March, or ISBAM, please join the HS Arts Council on March 31st starting at 6:00pm, for Artists Under the Stars & Arts Fest! Come to the plaza between the cafeteria and Field D to enjoy good food (Alice’s Pizza), participate in art related activities, and support our many talented students taking part in the performing arts showcase. Hope to see you there!!! 

Sign up for a club booth HERE and HERE if you would like to perform. 


ISB Summer School 2022 – Registration is now open! (Repeat)

Maurilio (Moe) Baron-Toaldo

Our ISB Summer School Office is now open!  Summer School will be held Monday, June 20 to Tuesday, July 12th this year. All information about programs, courses, specific dates, fees, and registration process is now available on our website.

Early Bird reduced tuition fees are available until April 29th so register early!

Our Summer School Office is located in the Chevron Theater Foyer next to the Cashier Office. Khun Fon, our Summer School Office Secretary is there to greet and assist you 7:00am – 2:45pm Monday to Friday.

For any questions, please email

Best Regards,

Mr. Maurilio (Moe) Baron-Toaldo

ISB Summer School Director



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