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Message from the Principal
Justin Alexander

Dear Parents

It was great to see you back on campus today at the student parent-teacher conferences. I hope that you were able to learn more about your child’s strengths, success, and areas for growth from their teachers. Sorry that we couldn’t allow both parents to attend the conferences, but we did want to keep the numbers to a safe level in the two gyms today. Thank you for your involvement and participation. 

As you will be aware we have been coping with a number of students that have tested positive for covid which has kept them and their close contacts out of school. This is not an ideal situation of course and has required a shift back to some of our earlier practices when students were at home. With that in mind, we wanted to clarify with teachers, students, and parents what we are doing to support students and what students are expected to do if they are at home due to covid related reasons.

For students that are home due to covid related reasons:

  • Teachers will post instructions/details on, or through google classroom prior to each scheduled class.
  • Students are required to be available/accessible and working during their scheduled class time.
  • Instructions for students at home (posted on google classroom) will provide details on how the teacher will actively engage with the student during that class period. This may include-
    • Joining the class on zoom at the beginning of the lesson and then being available in the zoom waiting room until the teacher is ready to speak with you.
    • Zoom at the beginning of the class for attendance/instructions and then break for independent work as directed by the teacher. 
    • Joining via zoom at a particular time during the lesson to conference, to ask questions, participate in a mini-lesson, etc.
    • Zoom at the beginning of class and stay on zoom for the entire lesson 
    • Instructions about how to interact with the teacher or classmates through another platform (google docs, jamboards, desmos etc) during the lesson time. 

Student Responsibilities for home learning (similar to previously shared in our virtual school documents)

  • Establish daily routines for engaging in learning experiences from home. This includes identifying a comfortable quiet space in your home where you can work effectively, dress appropriately, and be on time for each lesson. 
  • Check Google Classroom before the start of each lesson for learning instructions.
  • Be ‘present’ for the duration of each lesson. This includes being available to be on zoom, email, or other means of communication with the teacher during that lesson. 
  • Complete assignments with integrity and academic honesty, doing your best work. 
  • Complete work and meet timelines, learning commitments, and honor due dates.
  • Communicate proactively with your teachers if there is something you do not understand. or require additional support or anticipate a problem with a deadline.
  • Collaborate respectfully with your peers as per instructions from your teacher.
  • If you are ill and not able to participate in class then you need to contact your teacher in advance of your class to determine what you need to do for that lesson. 

Students that are at home because they are covid positive and ill. 

If a student is ill then we know that they will not be able to fully participate in class as they need to rest and recover. As we do for students that are normally sick and absent from class, we ask them to let the teacher know that they will be out due to illness. When they are able to re-engage with work, students can check google classroom for each class and see what they need to do in order to catch up. If there are assessments or assignments that are going to be missed or late, please contact the teacher to make alternative arrangements. If they have recovered but are still at home due to quarantine regulations, students should then follow the steps listed above. 

In summary, if a student is at home because of a covid related reason and they are well, they need to be ready to work at the assigned times of each class. Check google classroom and be ready to join via zoom as listed above. 

If you or your child have any questions about a particular class, please contact that teacher in the first instance. 



ATK Kit Distribution

Andy Vaughan

The current kits distributed to students will run out on Sunday 20 March. Students will receive the next round of 12 tests next week in advisory on Thursday/Friday. 

Please be sure to check with your child at the end of next week to ensure they bring these home. This supply should be enough to last until Sunday 8 May. Please also note that there is a change in the ATK brand, however the testing remains the same with the new supplier.

ATK supplied to each child is based on their use only at the scheduled and required ISB times (Sun/Wed). If ATK’s provided by the school have been used by families for additional testing purposes, then we ask for you to replenish them yourself by purchasing ATK’s from a local pharmacy.

Andy Vaughan



SPRING 2022 – High School Principal’s Forum – Save the Date & parent questions – Link for Intake Form

High School Principal Forum

We are inviting questions from parents for S2 Principal’s Forum on 24th March  (location, format and registration TBA by Mr. Alexander). All HS parents are welcome to attend.  The meeting will be led by Principal Alexander with Dean of Academics, Justyna McMillan, Dean of Students, Andy Vaughan and HS Team members. 

The HS Principal’s Forum (PF) is an anonymous channel of communication between parents and the administration. It is a platform to allow all parents to bring forward any questions, suggestions, or concerns to the Committee composed of parents representing grades 9-12 and EAL language communities. 

All questions are shared with the administration anonymously: only the content is presented. The topics are addressed and discussed in an open meeting between administration and HS parents. Parents are invited to send their questions/suggestions/concerns to us before March 15th via: HS Principal’s Forum- Questions from Parents- Intake Form. We review, organize,  and submit all queries to the administration. The administration organizes the presentation to parents. Your specific question may not be addressed during the public forum meeting as the topics covered during the meeting depend on the number of queries received on the topic. 

As always, if there are time sensitive questions and individual concerns, please reach out directly to the teachers, The HS Principal’s office, counselors and Admin team. They are always your first port of call and will be happy to assist and support you.

Please feel free to be in touch with us if you have any questions, or would like to understand more about the HS PF:

On behalf of our Principal’s Forum Parents’ Committee, we look forward to seeing you on March 24th, 

Debbie Gundenson (Grade 9, Co-Chair 2021-2023) 
Dhooleka Raj (Grade 11, Co-Chair 2020-2022)

PS. At this stage, we are planning to host this event on campus. We will send registration details in next week’s E-News.


News from University Counselors
Debbie McDowell

It has been a challenging week for many students, teachers and even the counselors. We hope that your family is doing well and that you are all healthy!  We wish the Seniors the best of luck on their Mock Exams this week and next!  We are sending all of them positive vibes!

SAT Test: ISB will be administering the SAT on Saturday, 12 March. Check-in will begin at 7:30AM; the test is scheduled to start at 8:00AM. The test will be in MPB 1/2/3 where students will be seated more than a meter apart. Students must properly wear their masks at all times. Each student that is scheduled to take the test on 12 March must have taken the regularly scheduled COVID ATK test on Wednesday, 9 March evening and the results must have been loaded in the system between 4 and 8 PM on that evening. Any student who does not follow the strict COVID guidelines will not be allowed to sit the test. Students must properly wear their masks at all times or they will be asked to leave the testing site and their test will be canceled with being scored. Any student who has tested positive for COVID or has been required to isolate due to close contact will not be allowed on campus for the test.  Students must reach out to the College Board to reschedule their test if that is the case for them.  In addition, all students must bring the following items with them to be admitted to campus and the test rooms:  School ID, National ID (passport or Thai national ID card), printed admissions ticket. Students are allowed to have a clear water bottle with them during testing; any snacks/food must be eaten in the HS Cafeteria during the breaks while students are seated at tables. No food can be consumed in the testing room or the hallways adjacent to the testing area.

Junior Led Conferences must be completed this month!

Counselors are continuing to meet with grade 11 students and parents. All grade 11 students should have already scheduled their required Junior Led Conference before the end of March with their university counselor and their parents. The meeting will be the starting point for the university research and selection process for each student and family. This is a mandatory meeting and both parents are expected to attend, in person or via zoom. If a parent wants to attend the meeting in person, please let the counselor know in advance of the meeting and an invitation to come on campus can be arranged (with proper Covid protocols.) The counselors look forward to hearing from the students about what their plans are for life after ISB!

Approximately 100 grade 10 students took the PSAT 10 on Tuesday. Thanks to all of them for their patience and cooperation to help the testing go well.  Scores will be delivered to the student by email in approximately 4-6 weeks. So please remind your child to keep an eye on their email for those results. 

Parent Coffees Continue!
Thanks to all those who joined the Applying to Hong Kong Parent Coffee on Monday. It was an excellent presentation by Ms Shrestha. You can see the recording and slides here

Be sure to join the university counselors on Monday, 14 March for the next Parent Coffee installment:  Studying in Australia. The presentation will be at 9:00 AM and parents can join by clicking on this link.  

Future Parent Coffees are scheduled for: 

21 March @ 10:00 AM: Japanese Community Meeting

23 March @ 9:00 AM: Korean Community Meeting

28 March @ 9:00 AM: Thai Community Meeting

31 March @ 9:00 AM: Chinese Community Meeting

25 April @ 9:00 AM:  Financing University Studies

Please watch this space for information about location, links and details. 

On campus university visits returned to ISB this week!  Two mini UK University Fairs were held on Monday and Tuesday with three UK universities at each event.  Students (and counselors) were thrilled to have the opportunity to meet in person with the admissions officers. Another on campus visit is scheduled for Wednesday, 16 MarchDurham University will be in the HS Conference room from 12:40-1:20 to speak to interested students.  

University Visits

Virtual university visits: Be sure to check the Virtual University Visit list for university presentations that are available for students and families to join. 

Please check the ISB University/College Counseling website for loads of information. You will find university research tools, transition resources for students and parents, recordings of Parent Coffees and family presentations, virtual university visits, information about testing and how to sign up for the SAT at ISB, a list of summer programs about which the counselors have been informed, and the ISB School Profile.



News from HS Counselors
Kevin Callahan

Parent Teacher Conferences today, we hope that you had a chance to meet with your students’ teachers and get a good idea of what the rest of the year looks like and what success will look like for your student. 

Many parents (in any school) look first at their student’s grades to gauge their interest, learning, and performance, but often a better indicator of how engaged and motivated their student is, is how they approach their learning.  Have you looked at your student’s mark for Habits and Attitudes to Learning (HAL) lately?  “Consistent” and “Frequent” marks for HAL are closely correlated with school success and enjoyment; “Occasionally” and “Rarely” suggest some changes might be in order in the way that a student prepares for class and engages in the classroom.  Have a chat with your student about their HAL grades; it can be a good conversation without seeming like you’re “nagging” them about grades!

Have a safe and productive week.


News from HS Library

Christopher Bell


Please click News from HS Library



News from Athletics Office

Chris Mott

Upcoming events 

Saturday 18th March: U12 Tennis Singles


ISB Arts in March (ISBAM) March 1st through 31st, 2022 

Anthony Giles

1 MS Spring Play Rehearsals Begin 

3-5 IASAS Cultural Convention 

7 HS Musical Rehearsals Begin

10-31 ES, MS & HS Visual Arts Exhibitions

19 MS/HS Invention Center Saturdays Begin

19 MS Mind Storms Robotics Competition

22 Christo Inspired ISB 70th Anniversary Installation 

24 Hanuman Film Festival 

25 IB Dance Madness

26 HS Battle in Bangkok Robotics Competition @ NIST

30 HS Jazz Nite II

31 ISBAM Artists Under the Stars & Arts Fest


Invention Center Saturdays begin March 19th. 

Anthony Giles

Look for more info in next week’s eNews 

or contact Travis Dynes at


Hanuman Film Festival 6:00pm March 24th CC Theater

Anthony Giles

Aspiring filmmakers and film lovers, please join us on March 24th at 6:00pm in the CC Theater for the 2nd Annual ISB Hanuman Film Festival where we will be showcasing anbd awarding ISB student films along with presentingawards for the top films! Tickets can be purchased at the door the night of he event  or at the lunch booth March 21st-24th! We hope to see you there! 

Artists Under the Stars: Spring Edition 

Anthony Giles

March 31st at the Panther Outdoor Stage 

Welcome to spring! Although it might not look like it, March is a season for blooming flowers, rising temperatures, and a change of the tide. Arts Council would like to celebrate March with another round of beautiful performances at Artists Under the Stars. Sign up for a club booth HERE and HERE if you would like to perform. Setting up a booth at the event is a great way to raise money for your club in a creative and fun setting. For a first-time or regular performer, AUTS is versatile for everyone! The goal of this month’s open mic event is to celebrate all the arts events that happened in March and why it is so important at ISB. Make sure you stop by at Artists on March 31st, see more information in the poster attached!


Panther Activities

Anthony Giles


Thank you again for signing your child up for Panther Activities, and for your patience as we worked with the folks with 2C2P to provide multiple payment options for you including the ISB Campus Card, Cash, Bank Transfer and Credit Card. CLICK HERE to pay now before today’s deadline. Note, you will need to pay each child’s activities separately by entering their ISB ID number in the payment form.

For general questions contact Anthony or Lucas at For program specific questions, please contact our Panther Activities Coordinators linked in the Payment Form. From all of us on the Panther Activities Team, thanks again. We love working with your kids!


ISB Summer School 2022 – Registration is now open!

Maurilio (Moe) Baron-Toaldo

Our ISB Summer School Office is now open!  Summer School will be held Monday, June 20 to Tuesday, July 12th this year. All information about programs, courses, specific dates, fees, and registration process is now available on our website.

Early Bird reduced tuition fees are available until April 29th so register early!

Our Summer School Office is located in the Chevron Theater Foyer next to the Cashier Office. Khun Fon, our Summer School Office Secretary is there to greet and assist you 7:00am – 2:45pm Monday to Friday.

For any questions, please email

Best Regards,
Mr. Maurilio (Moe) Baron-Toaldo
ISB Summer School Director



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