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Message from HS Principal

Justin Alexander

Dear Parents,

There is just one more week lying in front of us before a well deserved break for students and teachers which is exciting news for all of us.

Our Seniors were the welcome recipients of treats provided by the Grade 12 Graduation Parent committee at lunchtime today, as they prepare for their December practice exams starting on Monday. In ‘normal’ times our Seniors would not be sitting exams at this time of the year, but given the disruptions of the past two school years and not being able to sit any final summative exams since Grade 9, our Seniors do need this practice. Please join me in wishing them all the best with these practice exams. 

Speaking of Seniors, we hosted our mid year graduation for seniors that have completed all of their graduation requirements at the end of Semester 1. Three of these students (Addison H, Reina W and Hinata W) will wait until the May ceremony to receive their Diplomas, but one of our Seniors (Kotoha S) graduated from ISB yesterday. Congratulations to all four students on the successful completion of their HS Diplomas. 

Meanwhile, learning and activities continue for the rest of the High School as we head towards the final assembly on Friday at 10.30am. School is dismissed at 11.30am on Friday. 

Have an enjoyable last week of school.


Justin Alexander
HS Principal

Please do inform me if your HS child will be missing school due to an early departure or late return. We will not be conducting/supporting any form of ‘virtual school’ for students that are not in school on January 10th.




December Practice Exams for Gr12 Students

Justyna McMillan
Next week students enrolled in IB courses have their practice exams scheduled from Monday 13th to Thursday 16th December. This is an important opportunity for our students to take a longer, cumulative examination in an exam setting and for students to self-assess their areas of strength and areas of growth.  We wish our students all the very best for this assessment. 

Full IB Diploma students and those taking three or more IB exams, are only required to come to school for their exam session. Students taking two or fewer exams are required to attend their other classes, however they are granted study leave the morning off from a PM exam, or the afternoon off an AM exam.   Students who hold a Senior Gate Pass, are permitted off campus at any point in the day. If a student does not have a senior gate pass, they won’t need parental permission to leave campus for next week, but will need to see Khun Gade before leaving campus to get a blue temporary gate pass.  Students are expected to come in school uniform for the exam. If a student is sick the day of the exam, please let us know straight away. 

Should you have any questions about these exams, please do get in touch. 



Possible Schedule Changes for Semester 2

Justyna McMillan

In general students retain the same schedule for the second semester.  In some cases, due to changes in course choice, the addition of semester courses, or other factors, a student’s schedule may be slightly different next semester.  In these cases, we do the best we can to keep the same teachers for each student, but this is not always possible.  Students need to view their Semester 2 schedule on PowerSchool to be ready for the first day of school.  If students wish to change their schedule they should see their counselor.


Mathematics and Language Pathways in the HS webinar – Video and accompanying slides

Justyna McMillan

Dear Parents,

Thank you to those parents who joined us last week on the 2nd December, for this informative session. We hope the presentation was useful and helped to answer many questions. For those who were unable to attend, we are happy to share the video and presentation slides. 

Video link

Slides link

If you have any further questions, please let us know. 


Kidsfoto individual portraits

Andy Vaughan

At the end of November, students had their individual portraits taken by Kidsfoto. This coming Wednesday we will distribute sample proofs distributed in Advisory to all HS students who had their photo taken. For Grade 12 students, these will be issued at the end of their Maths exam on Wednesday.

For parents who wish to order photos, there will be an order form with an envelope attached to the sample proofs. Parents need to complete this and return it with their child with cash included to the High School Office. Orders received by Friday will be processed over the break and ready for collection at the start of semester two. 




News from University Counselors

Debbie McDowell

The university counselors wish the best for all ISB families for a restful and relaxing holiday.  We hope you all have a wonderful winter break and enjoy the time with family and friends.  Safe travels for those who are heading off for adventures and to be with loved ones. 

Junior Seminar was on Thursday. The first part of the lesson was a University Blind Taste Test. Students reviewed details/research about three universities without knowing the names of the institutions and then selected the one they believed was the best based on the data presented. This activity encouraged students to reflect on their priorities and preferences when selecting universities to which to apply. Counselors encouraged students to do their own research and find out which universities are truly the best fit for them—academically, financially and socially. To start the research process, juniors were given an assignment to research three universities (2 of their choice & 1 from the list provided by the counselors). Their research is due on Friday, 17 December.  Please ask your child what factors influenced their decision in the Blind Taste Test and what universities they are researching for their assignment.  

Seniors are preparing for practice exams next week while working hard to complete all of their university applications that have a submissions deadline before 15 February. University Counselors will have extended hours next week to ensure that students have ample opportunity to have their essays and applications reviewed and to submit their applications before departing for the winter holiday. Please ask your child where they are in the process and encourage them to get all of their applications submitted before 17 December so your family can have a relaxing and enjoyable holiday without the ominous cloud of university applications hanging over their heads. Reminder:  University counselors will not be available to review essays and applications or assist students with submitting applications during the winter holiday. 

Grade 10: 
On Tuesday, March 8, 2022, we will offer the PSAT 10 free of charge to all grade 10 students who opt in by pre-registering. This is an opportunity to practice for standardized testing and the SAT, specifically, should your child want to consider taking that test in junior/senior year. The PSAT 10 score is not involved in any university admission process, so there’s no harm in sitting for the exam if it is indeed relevant. Taking the PSAT 10 is also helpful in the university counseling process as a predictor of how a student might prepare and perform on the actual SAT. The test will take approximately three hours and will be administered starting at 1:10 PM on 8 March. Students will miss the last period of the day and will finish the exam at approximately 4:15 pm. If you would like your child to take the PSAT 10, please opt-in with THIS FORM by Monday, December 13. Please email Curt Nichols at with any questions. 


College Coffee:  The next Parent College Coffee will be on Monday, 17 January, 2022 at 1:00 PM. The topic will be US Higher Education 101 and the university counselors will cover the basics about what parents need to know regarding higher education and applying to universities in the US. All grade 9-12 parents are invited to attend. This will be presented in a webinar format.  Watch for the link to be sent out closer to the date. Watch this space for a future announcement about other Parent Coffees during semester 2!

Virtual university visits: Although the virtual university visits specifically targeting ISB students are tapering off, there are still many virtual events happening around the world. Be sure to check the Virtual University Visit list for university presentations that are available for students and families to join. Please check the Virtual University Visits list on the ISB University/College Counseling website for loads of information!

Want to find out more about the University Counseling program at ISB?  Please visit the  ISB University Counseling website.


News from HS Library

Chris Bells

Please click News from HS Library




Anthony Giles

Open to all HS students. 5:30pm-7:00pm, December 16th marks the time and date for the annual HS Arts Council Artists Under the Stars event. Get ready for a cozy evening of awesome performances (6:00pm) and  holiday themed booths! Please sign up HERE to perform, or HERE  if your club would like to host a booth. 

You are invited to a Zoom webinar.

When: Dec 16, 2021 06:00 PM Bangkok

Topic: Artists Under the Stars

Please click the link below to join the webinar:


High School Musical: The Musical – April 21-23, 2022

Anthony Giles

Not sure about you, but pandemic restrictions are not What I’ve Been Looking For. In fact, there were times during the last twenty plus months living with COVID-19 where I needed someone to shout, “Hey, Get’cha Head in the Game!” Certainly, during virtual school, and hybrid learning, it was not time to Stick to the Status Quo with our audition schedule, but now, with our Wildcats in the House, so to speak, it feels like we are finally Breaking Free. Who knows, with Disney’s recent approval for our shows to run in April instead of November, this could be the Start of Something New, and a time when we could all learn to Bop to the Top

Want to learn more about ISB’s production of  High School Musical: The Musical and how you can get involved with the show on stage or off? Contact Mr. Giles, Ms. Fuson, or Ms. Price at,, or respectively. Remember, We’re All in This Together

Parent Vehicles Sticker

Mark Hevland, Director of Risk Management


Dear all parents,

ISB is now accepting applications for vehicle parking stickers. The process is as follows:

  1. Please scan this QR code or go to this link Vehicle Sticker application and fill the form
  2. The sticker will take 3 working days and please feel free to check the progress of your vehicle sticker at OR 02 – 9635800 Ext. 7730 K.Ratthavit
  3. Once completed, stickers may be collected at the security desk in front of the Chevron Foyer



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