ISB Athletics and Panther Activities are back on October 18th!

Dear ISB Parents and Students,

As hinted at in the October 6th ISB Update from Dr. Davies, ISB Athletics, in partnership with Panther Activities, will be offering two weeks of Hybrid Activities, for free, after school starting October 18th and running initially through October 29th. While the current restrictions have provided some challenges for how and what we can offer after school, we are excited to provide a selection of sports and activities to students from PK-G12. We hope that these activities provide a positive outlet for all who choose to participate. 

Registration for these programs can be found HERE

Confirmation and information about locations will be sent to registered participants at the end of the October break. 

Questions? Please reach out to any of us on the Hybrid Activities Team at,,,, or

Chris, Lucas, Mark and Tony

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