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‘Ideas worth sharing’

Dear Parents,

A highlight of this week in the High School was the TEDx talks given by ten eloquent and thoughtful Grade 11 students in the CCT who shared meaningful, purposeful and sometimes provocative talks designed to raise awareness, pique interest and to have the audience ask themselves questions. Talks covered a wide range of issues that included grit, men’s mental health, toxic behaviours, modern slavery and juvenoia. 

Although we highlighted these ten talks on Wednesday night, every single student in Grade 11 prepared and delivered their TED talks in their classrooms in December before 10 were chosen to represent their class. The process of research, drafting, scripting, preparing and then delivering a short TED Talk in their class is a wonderful learning experience, taking many students out of their comfort zone, whilst teaching them important skills about research, communication and delivery. 

Thank you to our English department for their wonderful efforts to make the 9th annual ISB TEDx talks a memorable one for all that attended. If you missed the talks, you will have an opportunity to view them all in the coming months once the TED organisation approves and releases the videos for all to see. 

Have a wonderful weekend.

Justin Alexander
High School Principal



HAL and Grade progress posted on PowerSchool

Justyna McMillan

Your child’s grade in progress will be posted on Powerschool by Monday 29th. You will also see the Habits and Attitudes towards Learning (HAL)  progress, alongside their academic grade. Please remember the grade is a ‘snapshot’ of achievement and your child will continue to receive feedback on their progress in learning.   

Mid Semester Comments are due April 2nd. 


News from the College Office
Sonya Ohlsson

Decisions are still coming in from various parts of the globe. As always, we ask that students share that information with their counselor. Please be sure you are checking your admission portals as that may be where and how the decisions are released to you. They will also tell you if something is missing from your application–and it’s your responsibility to know that.

It’s important for seniors to check for deadlines of when they must make their decision known to a university–when do you need to make a deposit and is there also a separate housing deposit? Do not miss out because you didn’t follow up. 

Do NOT double deposit!! This can lead to all offers being rescinded in the US. If you have questions about depositing in other countries, please speak with your college counselor right away.

If you have received all of your UK decisions, please know your deadline for picking your Firm and Insurance choice. If you have questions about that, please speak with your counselor.

And, as always, please update your Cialfo with ALL of your decisions–Admit, Conditional Admit, Denied, Waitlisted, January Admit, Deferred, Withdrawn.

Save the Date: there will be a US Student VISA Talk (virtually) by the US Embassy for Seniors and their parents on April 22, 3:00-4:00pm.  A link to this virtual event will be available as the date nears. Please check back in the eNews.

Juniors have their first essay draft due to their college counselor on April 9th. We look forward to reading them and giving feedback to help support the development of some amazing essays.

Summer Programs:
If you are wondering what to do during the summer, check out our summer program opportunities list on the College Counseling Google site: Summer Programs 

The next SAT with both a “regular” SAT and Subject Tests is May 8. The deadline to register for this test date is April 8.

The last SAT this school year is June 5th and is Subject Test ONLY. The deadline to register for the June test date is May 6. This will be the last time any Subject Tests are offered ever!

ISB Virtual University Visits Next Week:

Monday, 29 March — City University Hong Kong 11:00am

Wednesday, 31 March — Rutgers University 11:00am

To find the links and registration for this visit and other virtual visits, go to our College Site.

~Sonya Ohlsson (she/her)
Head of College Counseling


News from the Counselors
Kevin Callahan

This week we have been checking in with students for academic concerns and monitoring, general well-being, and any course selection questions about next year.  This can be a stressful time for both students and teachers, as the end of the year is a long way off, and lots of obligations are on the table for high school students of every grade.  All students in grades 9-11 took the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) last week and we have been busy checking in with students whose answers indicated that they might need some extra support.  It’s good to be able to check in with students who are struggling and are honest about it.  Our conversations with students are strictly confidential in all cases except where there is concern that a student could harm themself or others, in which case a conversation with at least one parent takes place.

As we reflect on the situations resulting from the Covid pandemic around the world, we counselors are really impressed and heartened by the positive attitudes of the great majority of our students, who truly appreciate the opportunity to attend school “live” and to see their teachers and classmates daily.  We really do have a tremendous group of students and teachers here and it is a pleasure to see their resilience and positivity in the face of the various challenges that the pandemic has imposed upon us.

Students are showing great adaptability and resilience as they tackle the new days that come with so many questions and uncertainties. Some days may be better than others, but we see individuals making the best of the situation and moving forward. Please know that we want you to reach out to us if you have concerns with how your student is handling it all, so we can work together for everybody’s well-being.  Thanks.


News from HS Library
Chris Bell

Please click News from HS Library



News from Athletics
Chris Mott

Spirit Night

Friday the 26th of March is Season Three Spirit Night. All High School are invited to attend Spirit Night, wearing your Black and Gold, and celebrate the Season Three sports. All our Badminton, Softball, Baseball, Track and Field and Golf Teams will be participating. 

For now save the day and we look forward to everyone attending. 

Date: Friday the 26th of March
Time: 3:30pm – 9:00pm 

Upcoming Events
Friday 26th  March: BISAC Senior Track & Field meet (ISB)
Friday 26th March – Spirit Night
Saturday 27th March – BISAC JV Softball @ ISB
Saturday 27th March – BISAC Varsity Softball @ BPS
Saturday 27th March – BISAC Boys Varsity Badminton @ ASB
Saturday 27th March – BISAC Girls Varsity Badminton @ TCIS
Saturday 27th March – BISAC Boys/Girls JV Badminton @ NIST


Jazz Night II 6:30pm March 30th in the CCT
Anthony Giles

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, seating will be limited for the March 30th Jazz Night II event in the CC Theater with a priority given to participant families. Contact for more information.   


HS IB Visual Art and Film Exhibition – April 1-30 CC Gallery
Anthony Giles

ISB is very proud to present its annual IB Visual Arts & Film Exhibition from April 1-31 in the CC Gallery. This final exhibition is the culmination of our students’ IB experiences over the past 2 years. They have curated a selection of their artwork showcasing a variety of different media including painting, drawing, photography, digital art, ceramics, and film. Please join us for the opening on April 1st at 6:30pm come by anytime throughout the month to see the masterpieces created by our talented students.


Light Up Night & Arts Fest are Now One!!!
Anthony Giles

Join us for the combined Light Up Night/Arts Fest on April 2nd! There will be performers, interest booths, food, refugee guest speakers, and candles to light representing the symbol for Amnesty. There will also be petitions to sign to free refugees and donation boxes to contribute to the cause. If you are interested in performing or would like to sign your club up for a booth, please fill out the form HERE. For more information, please contact:,,,, Ms. Collette (, Ms. Brock (, or Mr. Giles ( 


Steel Panthers Robotics Competition – 12-5pm  April 3 Invention Center
Anthony Giles

Come see our Steel Panthers robotics teams compete in the ISB Invention Center from 12-5pm on Saturday, April 3rd . Who will be crowned the 2020-2021 season champions?


ISB Summer School 2020 – All information and registration coming soon!

Maurilio (Moe) Baron-Toaldo

Our ISB Summer School Office is opening next week at the start of April!  Summer School will be held over the four weeks of Monday, June 14 to Friday, July 9 this year. All information about programs, courses, specific dates, fees, and registration process will be available on our website next week Friday!

Great news, fees are the same as they were originally scheduled for Summer School last year including the Early Bird fees until April 30th so register early!

This year with more teachers staying in Thailand during the summer, we have many new and exciting Special Interest Camps on offer in addition to our regulars! Planning on being here this summer, check out next week what summer school has to offer!

Our Summer School Office will be located next to the Admissions Office inside the Central Admin Building where Khun Fon, our Summer School Office Secretary will be there to greet and assist you 7:00am – 2:45pm each day starting next week Friday.

For any questions, please email

Best Regards,
Mr. Maurilio (Moe) Baron-Toaldo
ISB Summer School Director


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