Story Telling a Research-Based Story.

We all have a story to tell. Some of us have wild events, sadness, or amazing things to share. Some of us, have pretty safe and comfortable stories. Regardless, when we share our story we come closer together and gain a deeper understanding of each other.  

This past week we had some amazing stories told. At the end of last week, we were lucky to have Mr. Taylor Wiedman come in and talk to several groups of students. Mr. Wiedman is a photojournalist and has worked for National Geographic, BBC, CNN, and others. He also just finished his teaching credentials and will be a teacher in the future. He came spoke about how he builds a story. It was an amazing discussion with students about the importance of research, having a plan, and most importantly shining a light on individuals in our world. 

His images show people from Nepal, Mongolia, and other amazing locations around the world.  His talk was more than instructional, it was inspirational as he explained that sometimes it’s important to remove ourselves from the story and,

‘get out and the field and go looking for the story’.

We also had the long-awaited TED Talks by our students.  Our newest ones will be edited and sent out soon hopefully but here is the list from all the years past. It is always an amazing night and last night was no exception. The presenters were well prepared, had researched talks, and delivered engaging presentations. On top of that, it was just fun!  Look for the latest videos to be out soon. 

It is a powerful thing to see our students research and then take their findings and put it together and with Mr. Wiedman’s visit and the Ted Talks we were ultimately able to see that students at ISB are gaining the skills necessary to be successful at the next level. 

Bell’s Recommendation

The Alice Network – By Kate Quinn

It seems like all the spy books are about a man who is very James Bond-like in his approach to spying. They have all the clothes, the posh cars, and of course all the very male stereotypical qualities. This book is different. This is the story of some female spies during World War Two. We get a whole cast of amazingly strong, and scary, women characters who set up critical links for the war effort. An underlying search for a long-lost friend also helps to make this story flashy and exciting.  If you like code talk, action, and some really powerful female characters this is the book for you. 

Kehe’s Recommendations

When we Were Lost – By Kevin Wignall

A HS school trip to Costa Rica goes horribly wrong as the plane comes down in the middle of a vaste jungle, miles off course. Nineteen students who were at the back of the plane survive, those in the front are not so lucky. Joel, a popular student, appoints himself as the leader immediately but early on his decisions illustrate his inadequacy for this role especially as Tom, a quiet loner, who is not interested in popularity or power but the survival of the group begins to emerge and challenge Joel’s authority. As the story unfolds, various characters surface and as expected it is not necessarily the popular kids who ensure the fate of the group, but the skills and smarts of the ‘nerd’s’ which prove essential in the survival of the group :) And of course some strong, smart, female characters. The ultimate Adventure/Survival – a definite page turner.