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Message from the Principal
Justin Alexander

Dear Parents,

Thank you to the parents who attended the Principals’ Forum on Thursday morning where a large number of questions relating to clubs, activities, sports uniforms, tutoring, substitute teachers and many more were presented to the HS administration team. We will be sharing the presentation and other information from the meeting in next week’s ENews. 

In the coming week we are looking forward to our Black and Gold Assembly on Tuesday where we will wish our IASAS MUN, Film and Art delegates all the best as they prepare to join the conferences in ISKL and Singapore next week. 

Go Panthers!
Justin Alexander
High School Principal


GCW payments due today 
Andy Vaughan

As a reminder, payment for all GCW courses are due today as either a cash or credit card payment at the ISB cashier, or online though PowerSchool. For businesses that require a letter of support for reimbursement of GCW costs, please email Khun Pat directly ( and this will be prepared. Next week we will be booking flights for all trips so course changes are unable to happen beyond today. 

Please also make note that GCW backs up to the February break. All trips will arrive back to Bangkok on Friday 21 February, with the exception of GCW Oman, which will arrive back to Bangkok in the early hours of Saturday morning on the 22 February 2020.  Please keep this in consideration as you book flights for your February break.

For any questions regarding GCW, please direct these to either Khun Pat ( or Andy Vaughan (


Mid Semester Comments
Justyna McMillan

Parents will receive a link to Mid Semester Comments on Powerschool, on Monday 4th november.  The purpose of these comments is to communicate progress and help support students with their learning. The next HAL and Grade update is scheduled for November 15th.


IB Internal Assessment Deadlines 2019-2010
Justyna McMillan

 IA deadlines for Grade 12 can be found HERE. In order to help students, every effort is made to spread these deadlines out over the two years of the program, within the constraints placed on us by the IB schedule. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. 


Payments for IB exams for the May 2020 session
Justyna McMillan

All Grade 12 and some Grade 11 students have received their IB exam registrations. Associated invoices are being sent out today via PowerSchool under ‘Grades and Attendance’. Please make sure to download the invoice and make your payments as stated by November 8th. Students who are completing the second year in any IB course are expected to complete the course by sitting the IB examination, as detailed in our HS Program of Studies. Universities also expect students completing an IB program or course to have fulfilled all assessment requirements of the course, of which the examination is the culminating assessment.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


News from HS Counselors
Kevin Callahan

Welcome back from October Break!  We hope you and your students had a great time together over
the holiday.  

We’re on the “home stretch” to the end of the first semester now, and one of the big challenges for students is time management.  What we counselors see a lot of, is students who struggle to stay focused on their assignments when so much of their work is computer related.  There are so many other things to do on computer

Here is a link to 7 time management tips for students that are really simple, common sense, and relatively easy to adopt for students (and adults!) who struggle with being organized and efficient in using their time to get their obligations completed.  Check with your student to see how many of these tips they are following already and where they can improve.  Being a good time manager has the added benefit of reducing the stress we all feel when we’ve got a million things to do!


News from College Counselor
Andrew Weiser

November 1

Welcome back!!  We hope everyone had a restful, relaxing break!! 

Parents of Seniors
Please remind your Senior to double check University Deadlines.  If your senior is applying to the United States as an International Student, please also check the deadline for the “Certificate of Finances.”  These deadlines vary by University.

Upcoming College Coffee

November 5  (Tuesday)   8AM     MPB #1         

Rankings – What do they mean??

Upcoming University Visits:

Thai University Fair: Monday, November 4  10:55 – 11:55 am

  • Assumption University
  • Creme Academy Thailand 
  • Chulalongkorn University: International School of Engineering
  • HRH Princess Chulabhorn College of Medical Science (PCCMS)  
  • Kasetsart: Entrepreneurial Economics (EEBA)
  • King Monkut’s University of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL): International Academy of
  • AviationIndustry
  • King Monkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT): Architecture and Design
  • Le Cordon Bleu Dusit
  • Mahidol University International College (MUIC)
  • Mahidol University Faculty of Dentistry
  • Raffles International College
  • Rangsit University, International College
  • Stamford International University
  • Thammasat University: BBA International Program
  • Thammasat University: Innovation Digital Design and Creative Digital Technology
  • Thammasat University: BJM Program, Faculty of Journalism
  • Thammasat University: Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology (SIIT)
  • Thammasat University: Faculty of Architecture and Planning
  • Thammasat University: The school of global studies
  • Webster University Thailand

UCL (University College London): Tuesday, November 5  10:55 – 11:40am

Royal Holloway, University of London: Wednesday, November 6  10:55 – 11:40am

School of Visual Art (SVA): Wednesday, November 6  10:55 – 11:40am

University of Pécs: Wednesday, November 6  10:55 – 11:40am

Queensland University of Technology (QUT): Friday, November 8  10:55 – 11:40am

Ritsumeikan Univeristy: Friday, November 8  10:55 – 11:40am

For a complete list of University visits please use this link (Link to Calendar)



“Innovative Boundaries” Dance Production
Anthony Giles

The ISB Dance Department presents the annual Fall showcase, Innovative Boundaries. This collaborative performance explores the concept of borders and boundaries with visual and staging elements to change the audience perspective. The performers push boundaries between tradition v. innovation in blending together hip-hop, contemporary, ballet, and theater. You don’t want to miss it!  Performances on Friday, November 1 in CCT @ 3:30 & 5:30 with Guest Artist work from Bangkok City Ballet choreographer – Patrice LeRoy. Entrance fee is a SUGGESTED DONATION to the Pakkret Women’s Shelter.


IASAS Art & Film Showcase
Anthony Giles

Please join our art and film delegates on Monday, November 4 at 3:15pm in MPB1 as they showcase their artwork and films for next week’s IASAS Art & Film Convention at SAS.  Snack reception to follow.


IASAS Model United Nations Showcase 
Anthony Giles

Please join our MUN delegates on Monday, November 4 at 3:15pm in MPB 2-3 as they showcase their debate skills for next week’s IASAS MUN Conference at ISKL.  Snack reception to follow.


BLUE STOCKINGS – by Jessica Swale 
Gareth Huxtable

Performed by HS Theatre Students and Directed by Mr. Huxtable

The year is 1896, and Girton College Cambridge has been the first university to admit female students. The Girton girls study ferociously and match their male peers grade for grade. Yet, when the men graduate, the women leave with nothing but the stigma of being a ‘Blue-Stocking’ – an unnatural, educated woman. 


Raising Multilinguals How? Unlocking the World Through Language-Rich Experiences
Avery Udagawa

How can parents nurture native language besides speaking it with their children and enrolling them in classes? Find out by joining us for the parent workshop Raising Multilinguals How? on Thursday, November 14, 2019, from 7:45-9:15 a.m. in the Literary Lounge.  

In this workshop—a followup to Raising Multilinguals—we will explore how families can promote literacy (reading and writing) and rich conversation, in support of the family language plan.

Parents of students in PreK through Grade 12 are welcome! The workshop will be held in the Literary Lounge, which is just inside the MS/HS Library. If you have questions, please write:



 Open Mic at The Panther Commons Stage – HS Lunch Friday, November 8

Calling all students and staff for Arts Council’s second Open Mic session of the year, HS Lunch, November 8, 2019. Be part of this monthly event on the NEW Panther Commons Stage between field “D” and The Grind by signing up HERE (deadline November 1) to share a short tune, dance, or lay down some slam poetry! Performances should be five minutes or less and equipment provided will be limited to microphones only. Backing tracks are welcome. If you intend to use live instruments, plan on acoustic and hand held percussion. Hope to see you there!!! 


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