ES e-News for August 16, 2019

Learning Joy Abounds!
Joy was everywhere this first week back; joy to be back with friends and teachers, joy in creating the classroom community, and the joy of learning were all obvious as we visited classrooms throughout the elementary school this week.  We are proud to see such care shown by our returning students toward new students in our community. Settling in well is important for families, so please feel free to ask questions of teachers, other parents, and of us as we are here to help.

Kelly Armitage
ES Principal

Jeff Scott
Sarah Fleming
ES Vice-Principals

ES Open House – Aug. 29 @ 6:00pm in the Chevron Theater
We warmly invite you to our ES Open House on Thursday, August 30 at 6:00pm in the Chevron Theater. This is a wonderful night to meet your child’s teachers, understand classroom procedures and expectations, and learn more about the learning your child will experience at ISB this year. You will be able to meet homeroom and specialist teachers (PE, Music, Art, World Languages, Learning Support and EAL).

This evening is not, however, a time for sharing specific information about individual students. If you feel the need to do that, please schedule a meeting with your child’s teacher to happen at a different time than Open House.  

As always, if possible, it will be important for both parents to attend Open House, especially if you have more than one child in the Elementary School. Families with children in multiple grade levels might need to divide and attend different classes at the same time.  Please keep in mind that this evening is for parents only and there will be no child care provided.

Open House is a vital step in fostering a strong home-school partnership, and we look forward to welcoming you to this special event.

Check and Update Your Details in Powerschool Parent Portal
Many people move houses over the summer, details change (phone numbers etc). We are in the process of updating phone numbers, addresses and emergency contacts. Please take the time to login to Powerschool Parent Portal and check the details that ISB has on record. Please update if necessary.  It is really important this information is accurate, as we use this in emergency situations.

Step 1. Login to Powerschool

  • If you have forgotten your password please contact
  • If you are new, you should have received an email with your login details, if not please contact

Step 2. At the bottom of the left hand menu click “Contact Update”. This information will then take a day or two to update (we manually check for accuracy).

If you have any questions or queries, contact

ES Parent/Student Handbook
Our ES Parent/Student handbook can be accessed through the Powerschool Parent Portal . We recommend families read this carefully, as it contains detailed information about the elementary school.

Reminder About Parent Meeting Points for Dismissal
Pre-Kindergarteners and Kindergarteners will be dismissed from their respective outside classroom doors.  Parents or caregivers should come to the individual classroom door at dismissal time to collect children so that the teachers and IAs can check who is picking them up. For your convenience, there is a separate entrance for PK/K to enter campus.  In the corner of the parking lot, next to the ES Bike Shed, we have an entrance marked “Early Childhood.”  

Bus monitors will come to collect bus-riding students.  Montri should be informed of any bus rider who has left school early or has left school by other means.

Grade One students will be dismissed from the first grade quad.  Any student who has not been picked up by 10 minutes after dismissal should be escorted to the office where parents will be contacted by phone and signed out to a parent or guardian.

Grades Two and Three will be dismissed from their specials classes (Art, Music, PE, or World Language) and parents or caregivers should use the ES Hub Terrace (Library) as a meeting point.  Any student who has not been picked up by 10 minutes after dismissal should report to the office or classroom to seek assistance. The office will contact parents by phone and the student will be signed out to a parent or guardian.

Grades Four and Five will be dismissed from the classroom.  Parents are encouraged to use the MS/HS cafeteria as a meeting point to alleviate congestion in front of the ES Library and Office.  Any student who has not been picked up by 10 minutes after dismissal should report to the office or classroom to seek assistance. The office will contact parents by phone and the student will be signed out to a parent or guardian.

Attendance, Tardiness, Absence
If your child is going to be absent from school, please notify us by 8:00am by either calling the ES office or e-mailing K. Tom ( as well as your child’s teacher.

School Calendars
The eldest child of the family received a calendar this week to bring home.
All new families should have already received a calendar during the admissions process.

If you did not receive a calendar, or if you would like to purchase an additional calendar (100 THB), please come to the Community and Arts Office starting on Monday 19th August. 

Booster Hut 
As in years past, grade 2-5 students can enjoy the privilege of visiting the Booster Hut during their recess ON FRIDAY ONLY.  Students should not bring money to school, unless it is Friday and they are going to the Booster Hut.  Please do not send large amounts, as 20-50 baht is plenty. Thanks for your support!

ES Explore (ES After School Activities)
Second Semester’s ES Explore Program (After School Activity program) will begin on Monday, September 16th. 

The ES Explore Booklet will be available online on August 23rd for viewing or downloading. Go to: and click “Activities booklet”. This is also where you register for the program. 

Registration will be open online on Friday, August 30th (at 3 pm) until Wednesday,September 4th. 

Livnat Ziskinder
ES Explore Coordinator

Community Activities Fair

Please join us for ISB’s annual Community Activities Fair in the ES A/C Gymnasium this Saturday, from 9:00am to 12:00 noon, where dozens of Community Activities Coordinators will be on hand to answer questions, and take registrations/payments for their various programs.

If you can’t make it to the fair this weekend, no problem, come see us 7:00am-3:00pm Monday through Friday in the Community and Arts Office (right next to the Booster Hut) to register, make payments, and ask questions, or visit us at our website for answers to FAQ’s and to register online.

ES Music Ensemble Registration is Now Open!
The elementary music department offers three extracurricular musical ensembles for students in grades 3, 4 and 5: Panther Choir, Orff Ensemble and String Ensemble. All three ensembles take place after school, are free of charge, and will begin the week of September 16th. For more information and to sign up for these ensembles, please click HERE.

Costume Sale: August 17th
Looking for halloween costumes? The ES Music Department will be selling costume pieces from previous productions at the Community Activities Fair on Saturday, August 17th, in the ES AC Gym, from 9:00 to 12:00. Items will be sold for 50 THB per item.

Grade 3, 4 and Grade 5, Send Your Recorder In!
Students in grades 3, 4 and 5 will be working with recorder this year. If your child brought their recorder home over the summer, they need to bring it back to their music room as soon as possible. If your child does not have a recorder, they are available for purchase at the ISB bookstore. Grade 3 students do NOT need to purchase recorders. Recorders are provided for them as part of their supply list.

U11 BISAC School Sports Season 1 (Basketball & Cross Country)
The ISB U11 sports teams start on Monday 26 August. U11 BISAC teams represent the school in local competitions and are free of charge. To be eligible to play, U11 Athletes should be 8, 9 or 10 on August 1, 2019.

Practice Times
U11 Cross Country: Monday and Wednesday 2:35-3:35 
(Meet the coaches by the bleachers on the blue track)

U11 Basketball: Monday and Thursday 2:35-3:35

Week 1 Practice Venues:
U11 Girls (Sports Complex)
U11 Boys  (ES Gyms)


Registration closes on Sunday, 25 August.

To register your child for U11 Basketball, click here
To register your child for U11 Cross Country, here

Panther Run Series – Race #1 – August 24

Feel like jump-starting your fitness now that school has begun and summer is a distant memory?  Come join the ISB Cross Country Runners at the first Panther Run this Saturday, August 24. There is a 5km and a 3km race, and everyone is welcome to join.  All proceeds go towards Operation Smile.

Registration/Warm-up:  6:40 AM in the Breezeway

Race Start:  7:15 AM sharp.

Cost: 200 Baht for Adults; 100 Baht for Students


See you on the track!

(Repeat) Essential Paperwork
Some important paperwork will be coming home the first day of school, such as Departure/Arrival form, “Safe Haven” form, etc.  Please make sure you look for them, and return to your child’s homeroom teacher as soon as possible. 

(Repeat) After School Thai Class 2019-2020
Thai Nationals enrolled in our “pull-out” English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and “pull-out” Learning Support (LS) programs are required to learn Thai during after school sessions.  These lessons are scheduled every Monday and Thursday afternoon. The first class starts on Monday, August 19 at 2:30 – 3:15 pm in Thai classroom numbers 111 and 113. Our Thai teachers, K. Ying and K. Charuwan will teach these classes.

eNews Guidelines
Shelley Bragg

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. For your convenience we have provided you with our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement

  • A title for your announcement
  • An email contact for further information

 Where to submit your announcement is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Director of Marketing and Communications for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.

Calendar of Events
August  2019

Aug. 17 Community Activities Office (CAO) Information, Registration & Payment Day
Aug. 19 ES Thai After-School Begins (Mondays and Thursdays)
Aug. 21 “PreK1” (3-year olds) First Day of School
Aug. 29 ES Open House 6:00 pm (Chevron Theatre)
Aug. 30 ES Explore (After School Activities) Registration Opens
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