New Vehicle Sticker and ID Application Form

Every two years, ISB requires renewal of all vehicle access stickers, including golf carts and scooters. We also require family helpers (Mae Bahn, driver, nanny, etc) to update their access cards yearly.  This allows us to manage who is coming on campus as well as keep our community safe.

This year, the application process is on-line. Please see link below. This will allow everyone to upload the documents from their devices, and no longer requires multiple paper copies. 

You may now apply for next year’s parking permits and any family staff renewals.  

All vehicle applications will be processed over the summer and new stickers will be available to pick up at the security office as of August 1st.  ID cards will also be processed, but the applicant will need to come in and have an updated photo taken, after August 1st.

The security department has done extensive internal testing with this online process, but there are often issues with new systems. Should you notice anything or have any difficulties, please us know and we will do our best to update the system quickly. 

Thank you for your continued support.

Vehicle sticker application

Application QR code:

Mark Hevald, Director of Risk Management

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