High School Counseling eNews

Andrew Weiser

College Counselors

College Coffee – The topic of this past Monday’s monthly college parent coffee was on US Higher Education. A copy of the presentation can be found at the following link. The next coffee is on February 19 from 12:30 – 2:00 and is targeted for our Japanese parent community. Our Japanese liaison will be available to serve as a translator. 

Grade 11 College Night – This past Wednesday was the official kick off to the university search and application process for 11th grade families. A copy of the presentation can be found at the following link. 11th grade parents and students should coordinate a time and schedule a meeting for the Student Led Junior Conference held in February and March. Parents and/or students can contact Khun Jan in the Counseling office to schedule this meeting.

Grade 12 students – For students who have already submitted applications to universities, they must regularly keep track of application portals (typically each college has their own portal applicants have access to) in order to monitor if any additional materials are needed for the university to make a decision. Many schools in the US require something called a midyear report that includes 1st semester Senior year grades. ISB will send these by the end of next week.

University Visits– for a full list of who is coming, please subscribe to the Google Calendar at this link

School Counselors Newsletter – January 19, 2018

Kevin Davy

All schedule changes/adjustments have been completed for the second semester and hopefully your sons and daughters are all set for a productive half-year.  Ask your students how they are organizing their assignments, whether by writing them down or keeping track on a digital calendar: whatever works best for them is fine.  GCW is right around the corner; are your students excited about the trip? Your son / daughters chaperone should be reaching out to you in this next week with any updates or further information

Sarahah app – Potentially a very unhealthy application for our teens

A new buzz app teenagers and preteens may be using is Sarahah. It is similar to ASKFM where others can post anonymous questions and comments.  As you can imagine, some of these comments can be hurtful, sexualized, intrusive… leading to cyberbullying and further angst. Below are a couple of links giving more information and urging parents to vigilant in regards to



A few phrases to promote Growth Mindset

A buzz topic in education in the last several years has been “Growth Mindset” V “Fixed Mindset”. We hope that our students keep practicing habits that enhance a positive view on personal growth, being able to take some risks and recognizing the value of failure at times. Here are a few links on the topic and also a chart on how to potentially redirect our self-talk.

What Can I do for Myself




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