ES Parent Engage

Thursday September 7th from 7:45-9:15 am (ES MPR)

Be a part of the great things happening the elementary school!

The first ES Parent Engage session is right around the corner on Thursday September 7th at 7:45am in the ES Multi-Purpose Room. The ES Administration team along with your PTA representatives will speak about Inclusion and Intercultural Day.

What Does It Mean to be an Inclusive School?
ISB has been working for a number of years to expand our ability to serve students with diverse learning needs. How might this impact your child and their learning? How can you support your child in understanding and appreciating the diversity that s/he encounters at school and in the wider community?

ES Engage Intercultural Day8:30-9:15
Come and Learn All About Intercultural Day!
We are looking for parents to spend the day with our amazing ES kids, sharing what is special about your homeland (or even a land you called home for awhile!). You will love the sight of your children dressed and walking in a parade to represent their culture. You won’t want to miss all the learning and fun that go on throughout the day. Come see us at the Parent Engage session to find yourself a role in the ES’s best day of the year- INTERCULTURAL DAY!!

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