What a First Week!

by Dennis Harter


Wow, what a week! It has been so wonderful to have the students gathering in the halls, learning in the classrooms, and connecting with each other. The building feels like a school again.

Through the first week students have interacted with each other and teachers in deliberate way to create a warm, welcoming, fun environment for everyone at school. Students have been getting to know their new schedules and teachers have been out in the halls, helping them find their way with a smile and an encouraging word. In classrooms, teachers have started to get to know the students as people and learners. Our grade 6 students have already settled in to the new world and our grade 7 and 8 are showing a calm and comfort that comes with enjoying the place they go to school.

To quote, a grade 6 student who was asked in the hall by his former grade 5 teacher how it was going, “Middle School is awesome!”

The faculty and staff of our middle school is excited to keep that feeling going throughout the year as our students learn, feel cared for, discover and foster their interests, and have fun.

A great year ahead!

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