Welcome Back Announcements


Hello Families,

We have had a fun day and are settling back into school.  It’s always amazing to see how much kids can grow in a month!  Our class welcomed Aina to ISB for her first time this school year.  It’s been wonderful for us to finally meet her in person. Welcome Aina!

Please Send Writing Back to School

Students wrote 4 pages of their realistic fiction stories last week during virtual school.  About half the class left these pages at home.  Please remind your child to bring them back to school tomorrow so he/she doesn’t have to rewrite them.  Their stories are very entertaining and funny so far!  We will be publishing them soon. 

Virtual Learning This Week

This announcement is for families who chose to remain virtual this week.   Grade 2 has created a new class on seesaw.  It’s called 21-22, G2, Virtual School. Your child has been added to this class.  Your child should know how to toggle between seesaw classes in the seesaw app.  Email Mr. Hagen if you cannot access it.  A reading, writing, and math activity will be shared each day.  These activities will be simple and skill focused.   In addition, Mr. Hagen may share activities with your child through our seesaw class.  A writing activity was shared this morning.  Keep an eye on both of the seesaw classes during this week.  Please email Mr. Hagen with questions or if you’re having any difficulties.  

Home Reading Routine

Your child should bring home a book each day and spend 20-30 minutes reading.  Regular oral reading helps to improve fluency and comprehension.  Some years, Mr. Hagen has required reading logs to hold students accountable for their reading at home.  If your child is not reading regularly and you’d like to put something more formal into place, please contact Mr. Hagen.   Today, we all picked a chapter book to read for an upcoming character study project.  Ask your child what he/she is reading and be sure to give your child praise and encouragement for choosing and committing to a longer book.  


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