Schedule and Information Week of September 27th


Hello Students and Families,

This week, we will most likely see a shift to our hybrid model.  Our class attends school on day 1s, also known as black days.  You also may hear teachers refer to our cohort as the “black cohort.”  In grade 2, 3 classes are in the gold cohort and 2 are in the black.   Mrs. Giles is also in the Black cohort.  Our cohort has a focus on English language learning.  Ms. O’Sullivan will also teach groups on “in person” days.

As we transition to the new schedule, please know that this week is different from what we will see in the future.    The schedule is complex and Mr. Hagen will make mistakes in the coming weeks.  Let’s take it one day and one week at a time.  Here is a break down of the days this week for our class:

Monday – virtual school as we have known it

Tuesday – all virtual with NO synchronous teaching.  Teachers will attend safety meetings and prepare classrooms. 

Wednesday – In person learning  LINK TO IN-PERSON SCHEDULE

Thursday – New Virtual Schedule that we will use every other day

Friday – In person learning   LINK TO IN-PERSON SCHEDULE

Our schedule this week:   HAGEN Hybrid Schedule  Please check this document each morning as changes will be made and the schedule has yet to be completed.  

Students who will not attend in person learning:  Please contact Mr. Hagen with the anticipated date that your child will join our class at school so that plans can be made. On days that our class has in-person learning, your child can join lessons in reading, writing and math via zoom. 

In Person Schedule: 




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