Hello Students and Families,
The Wednesday Schedule was shared by the music teachers about 25 minutes ago. In order to access the google doc that contains today’s schedule and the necessary zoom links, you need to login to google docs. When you press the link icon, google docs will automatically open.
Your child’s login is their student number followed by @students.isb.ac.th Example: 12345@students.isb.ac.th The password is “isb” followed by your child’s student number. Example: isb12345
Some of you may have been able to open google docs while some of you may not. We hope this is helpful. Tomorrow’s schedule as well as following weeks will be shared as a google doc so that students can simply press links to attend zoom sessions.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. We apologize if today’s schedule has been confusing or if the links have been inaccessible.