Team ๒ Virtual Learning March 24th



Join our weekly Flipgrid-share a joke with the class!

Reading-we are trying something new today! Go to this Scholastic Site. Read the books and complete the activities in Animal Studies Spiders. Then, find the SeeSaw activity and let me know what you thought by answering the questions in the template and doing a voice recording. Then, read for 20 minutes on Epic books. 

Math – The constant difference subtraction strategy.  There are 3 levels of challenge for this activity.  choose what’s best for you.  Video Link


Writing – LNF writers revise their writing.  There are 3 levels of challenge in this activity.  Choose what’s best for you.   Video Link


Science-this is for the parents! If you get to the grocery store this week, buy some cornstarch. On Friday we will share a fun experiment with you.

Something Interesting and Fun if you’d like to try it: 

  1.  Download the google earth app.  Our entire class has used this app before, so it should be at least a little familiar.  If you are using Google Chrome, the browser will support the virtual tours.  Safari will not.  Best to download the app first. 
  2. Visit this website
  3. Take the virtual tour of a park of your choice.  Mr. Hagen used to live 10 minutes from Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park!  Enjoy.  

English Language Learners: In SeeSaw some of you will see a special activity where we will meet LIVE. One meeting begins at 10:00 AM and the other at 10:45 AM. I look forward to seeing some of you today!! The link can be found in Seesaw under activities. Only some students will see the invite today, so don’t be alarmed if you do not have the activity listed under your name. From: Ms. Rivera


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