Team ๒ Virtual Learning March 17th


Properties of liquids video

Science-watch this video about properties of liquids. You will have a follow up assignment tomorrow. Today you just watch to learn about properties of liquids.

Reading-Look how many books our class has read so far! Well done. I hope you are still finding new and engaging books to read on Epic. Today you need to complete the assignment in SeeSaw-Practice Stopping and Thinking with a Just Right Text.


Math-Do Dreambox for 20 minutes and Math Duel for 5 minutes. 


Writing – Watch Mr. Hagen’s Video about how to use a playbook to rehearse your LNF story.  Then, rehearse your story 2 times before you record yourself using you playbook to rehearse the whole book.  You can choose 2 ways to share:

1.  take a video of yourself (this is easier)  OR

2. use the multi-page feature in seesaw activities to make a video just like Mr. Hagen’s

English Language Learners: Add the Suffix Watch the video lesson and complete the activity.


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