Team ๒ Virtual Learning March 12th


Thursday March 12th

Please Watch Mr. Hagen’s Morning Message Below.  

He will talk about:

  1. Virtual learning tips
  2. Contacting teachers
  3. What’s coming up?
  4. ISB Book Mobile
  5. How to login to Seesaw and participate in our class’ virtual learning


The QR Code to use Seesaw From Home – just in case you need it again or haven’t joined our class yet. We shared this on Monday.  If your child is already using seesaw, you don’t need this, BUT consider taking a screen shot and saving in case they get logged out.  This might happen if you restart their device. 


Talking to Your Friends From Class – Visit the flipgrid topic from the last few days and see if any of your classmates responded to your message.  Add a message if you haven’t yet.

Reading – Well done with the reading on Epic!  Our class has read more than 400 books this week! Today, read for 20 minutes-any book of your choice. If you have been reading Non-Fiction books on Epic, you might want to try reading some Fiction books today. 

Optional: listen to the short story Mr. Hagen shared in your seesaw account.  

Writing – Comparison Statements Practice.  Watch the mini-lesson and read the instructions before completing the seesaw activity called Thursday March 12th Writing Practice

Math –You did a great job with adjusting to subtract yesterday! Today you can practice your math by doing Dreambox for 20 minutes. You can also practice your math facts by doing Math Duel for 5 minutes a day. Remember to set the largest number possible to 10.

Science – Watch the video in the SeeSaw activity called “How do Germs Get in Our Body.”  Then, complete the activity.  Make sure you read the instructions carefully. 

English Language Learners – Find the missing vowel. Today practice making the long vowel sound by adding in the missing vowels to words.



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