Math Fact Practice


Dear Parents,

We have an exciting week ahead! Tomorrow, we head to Rainbow House to visit some kids in our community. Your child does not need to bring anything special, please send them to school in their regular PE uniform. We will be back at ISB for lunch. Also, Friday we are celebrating our growth as readers by having Pajama Day. Your child is invited to wear PJs to school, and to bring one item (a soft toy, a pillow or a blanket) to read with. 

Today your child is bringing home a math fact assessment. It was timed, and we do not expect second graders to finish it in the time we gave. However, if your child scored around 20 or lower, we ask that you take 5 minutes a day to help your child practice their math facts. The expectation in G2 is that second graders are fluent with their addition and subtraction facts within 20. Today we introduced a great app called Math Duel, to help with this goal. They all know how to use the app, and how to set it to a number that is just right for them. Most of them should choose their biggest number as 10 (10+10 is 20 so that keeps them within 20). Some of the students are fast with their facts, and can move to 15 or even 20 to work with larger numbers. Again, 5 minutes a day is all that they need to do. You can buy the app on the app store, and if you don’t have an iPad you can easily get worksheets or other fact games online. Working on our facts is just one of the many things we will work on during our new addition and subtraction unit. 


Thanks and have a great week!


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