Information about MAP testing


January 15, 2020

Dear Parents, 

In the next couple of weeks, grade two students will be taking the Measures of Academic Achievement (MAP), measuring their Reading and Math skills.  This is the first time Grade 2 students at ISB have taken this assessment, and will be a pilot for this year. The data obtained will help us, as teachers, to understand internal trends and adjust instruction to target any gaps.  It also supports as to triangulate with our other data points to create a body of evidence about your children as Readers and Mathematicians. We plan to re-assess again in the spring during our typical MAP assessment window in March/April. 

The MAP assessment is computer-based (students in Grade 2 will be using the iPads), and it is not timed.  As students complete questions, the assessment adapts to appropriately challenge each student. Your child does not need to prepare for the MAP assessment.

Individual students will be taking these assessments under numerical identifiers – individual data for this pilot year will not be shared.  

Please be in touch if you have any questions. 

Warm regards, 

The Grade Two Team


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