Weekly Update


Dear Families,

We’ve had another exciting week! We had a lovely Peace Day assembly, and we had fun building parachutes as part of our science unit on Air and Weather. Students were able to try and figure out a way to get a ‘passenger’ (the passenger was a paperclip) safely from the G2 balcony to the World Languages quad by designing something. Many of them realized that a parachute would be the safest way. They then all made parachutes, tried them, and created their own designs. They reflected on their designs, and then created a new and improved parachute design. Thank you for sending in items from home to help with this. We actually ran out of time on Friday for everyone to fly their parachute, so we will do this again on Monday. Your child can still bring in things for their canopies on Monday. Ideas are: tin foil, plastic bags or fabric. Ask your child if they were able to try their newly designed parachute today, and if they want to make any changes for Monday. 

Please note that random work comes home in your child’s take home folder. Often it is practice work, or work that is used to support learning in the class. Often it is not marked or not completed, and that is ok. We share a lot of your child’s work and thinking, that is more polished and finished, on SeeSaw. We will share their math, reading and writing notebooks during the October conference as well.

For the conference, please note that you will meet with either Ms. Eide or Mr. Hagen, and that we work together to prepare for these conferences. Also note that we encourage your child to come to the conference. They are the most important person in this conversation, and we would like them to be there. We will reserve 10 minutes at the end of the conference for a private conversation while your child goes to the book fair. Please note that we will share what we know about your child so far, academically and socially. However, you know your child better than anyone so we will want to hear from you as well! Please reflect on your child, and be ready to share some strengths and areas for growth. We look forward to seeing you all and talking about your child’s learning.

In reading and writing, we have begun new units! We are reading Non Fiction books and writing Expert books. In reading, we have focused on finding the main idea in a NF text, and finding the meaning of keywords. In writing, ask your child what their expert book is about. 

In math, we have begun a new unit on adding and subtracting with length units. We are doing a bit of measuring with centimeters, but this unit focuses mainly on adding and subtracting. The kids are slowly starting to expand their understanding of different strategies to add and subtract.

Thanks and have a great weekend with your families!


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