September 6 News and Announcements


What have we been working on? We completed all of our intake assessments.  We have taken the time to listen to each child in our class read and have conferred with each child about strengths and goals for this trimester.  We have also made suggestions to each child about which books are most appropriate and offer the most ideal balance between challenge and independence.  

We have given a paper and pencil math assessment to determine your child’s ability to add and subtract as well as interviewed each child to determine mental math ability.  We will be using this information to plan groups and lessons.  

In writing, we have given kids a “Writing on Demand,” which is two thirty minute sessions to write independently.   We have also taught 2 weeks of lessons around narrative writing skills that students have applied into their first books. Student have each set a writing goal for the coming weeks. Ask you child about this goal. Look for these stories on Seesaw soon.  In other areas, we have worked to develop our classroom norms and discussed what good friends do for one another.  Our theme in social emotional learning this trimester is friendship.  

Home Learning – Our home learning routine is underway.  Please sign the home learning organizer each night if your child completes his/her homework.  This paper will come home in your child’s take home folder Monday through Thursday each week.  There is no homework on weekends.  

Headphone Reminder – Pease send some simple headphones to school with your child.  He/she will be using them all year.  Large over-ear headphones are too large.  Simple bud styles with a microphone are best.  Here is an example:

Contacting Teachers During School Hours – We welcome emails and hope that you’ll contact us any time you have a question, comment, or concern.  If your child’s after school plans change or you need to pick your child up early, please contact the ES office.  We check our email often, but we cannot guarantee we will be able to read emails about pick-up or changes in after school plans in time.  If you email us and do not receive a response, we have not read your message and you need to contact the ES office.  

Phone Watches – We understand the need to communicate with your child before and after school.  Phone watches offer peace of mind to parents.  However, these devices are often an unnecessary distraction from learning.  We ask that you remind your child that these devices do not come into the classroom.  They stay in backpacks during class.

Toys – We kindly ask that toys stay at home.  

Start Time Reminder – Coming to school a little early allows your child to socialize and play.  The first bell rings at 7:35.  This is when we open our classroom door.  We start class at 7:40.  Now that routines are being established at home and school, please enable your child to start each day off on a positive note by being prepared and on time.  


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