Welcome to the Team ๒ Webpage!


Welcome to the Team ๒ Webpage!

We have truly enjoyed getting to know each and every of your children these last few weeks.  We are looking forward to meeting you and working together with your child the best possible experience in grade two. 

We will be sharing information 3 ways this year:  

1.  This website will be for general information such as curriculum, announcements, and photos.  If you’re not seeing this, you don’t know it exists.  We will remind you to check your spam folder and mark communications from this website “not as junk,” via email and at Open House this week.  

2.  Our instagram account will be used to share snapshots one or more times per week: Our instagram account is: heideisb Our hashtag is #team๒

3. Email.  We will use email for time sensitive information and/or announcements we want to make sure you read.  

Open House

Open house is this Thursday at 6pm.  You will start your evening off with all parents in the Chevron Theater.  Our session will begin at 6:30pm. If you’re running late or get caught in traffic, please just come to our classroom, ES 213/214 at 6:30pm.  We would like you to take a short survey to let us know what you’d like us to talk to you about during our session.  Please take 30 seconds to respond.  Our Open House Survey 


Your child needs some simple headphones with a microphone to use in class this year.  Bluetooth headphones are great, but not for use in our class.  Please do not send these.  The best choice is something simple that has a microphone on the cord.  Grade two students do not need large expensive over-ear style headphones.  Our I-pads have old style headphone jacks as well as a new style lightning connection.  Here is an example of what works best:


We celebrate birthdays once a month.  All students from a month have a combined party.  We will email you with details when your month arrives.  If you are hosting a birthday party, please do not send invitations to school unless you are inviting the entire class.  Invitations often cause hurt feelings and unnecessary tears during school.  

What are we learning?

Reading – We are building our second grade reading lives!  We are learning about reading routines, where to find books, what books are just right for us, and what to do during reading time each day.   We are also reviewing reading fundamentals from grade one.  In the next two weeks, we will be listening to each of your children read to assess his/her instructional and independent levels. We will also share strengths and areas for growth with each student.   Once this is complete, your child will be placed in a variety of rotating reading groups that will target skills, readiness, interest, and ability.  

Writing – Our class is currently writing personal narratives.  We began by reading excellent mentor texts and developing a common understanding of what personal narratives are and what makes some stand out to readers.   We have all picked an idea and are currently rehearsing our stories orally and writing them down.  We will publish our books soon!  Stay tuned.  Once we get to know our writers, they will be placed in rotating groups that will target skills, readiness, interest, and ability.

Math – We have spent the last week having a short math interview with each of your children.  Students have demonstrated their understanding of our number system through basic and complex counting as well as showing us what addition and subtraction strategies they have.  The biggest math goal in grade 2 is to add and subtract numbers up to 100 mentally and add and subtract numbers up to 1000 using a varsity of efficient computation strategies. Student will be placed in flexible groups soon based on areas of strength, areas of interest, skill level, or ability.  

Social Studies – Our class is studying what makes a “peaceful community.”

  • What is conflict?
  • When does conflict happen?
  • Why does conflict happen?
  • Identify different viewpoints in a conflict.
  • Identify and name feelings.
  • Connect feelings to emotional needs.
  • How do people react to or deal with conflict. 

Science  – We will begin our study of air and weather soon.  


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