G9 Science Visit


This week we have been so lucky to visit the grade 9 science classes! On Tuesday the Gold group went to learn about matter from our high school experts. On Thursday, the Black group will go. Be sure to ask your child about their visit! You can see more photos from our day here.

Many of you have been following up with your kids on their math warm up packs. Please remember this is only a transition activity as kids come back from recess, but definitely provides important practice! This week we introduced a new transition activity where students are in two differentiated groups, and they practice grammar and conventions. This will start coming home on Friday. We will continue with the math warm up packs from time to time.

We had conversations with many of you at the conferences about subtraction, and this week we did a lot of work with regrouping with subtraction. You can support your child, if they need it, by writing 1-2 double or triple digit subtraction problems and having them solve them nightly. Many kids will need to draw a place value mat and use the dot model to support their regrouping. Also in math, we are moving into a fun couple of weeks where kids will work on adding and subtracting in the context of timelines OR a t-shirt factory. Be sure to ask your child about what they are doing in math over the next few days!

Finally, as we continue moving through the hot summer, please ensure your child drinks water each morning before coming to school and ensure they have a water bottle here in class. 

Thanks so much!




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