Preparing Students for Service Learning at the Rainbow House


Hello Parents!

Today, we led a class discussion about disabilities in preparation for our service learning field trip to the Rainbow House this coming Tuesday.  Here are some key points we wanted to make you aware of:

  • What is a disability?  
  • There are two main types of disabilities:  physical and mental.
  • There are may different types of disabilities.  Some we can notice and some we cannot. 
  • Mental disabilities can sometimes cause someone to do something or act in a way that is unexpected.
  • Autism is one type of disability.  Julia, the character, in the video we showed has autism.  The way she acted in the video is NOT how all people with autism act or the way all people with mental disabilities act.  This video shows one person with one type of mental disability. 
  • When we visit the Rainbow House, we may play with kids who:  don’t speak, only speak a little, may not look at people when talking, may not be able to use their hands in the same way as us, or make unexpected noises. 

These talking points may be helpful if your child has questions or if you would like to continue the discussion at home.  We have many adults going with us and we will not be taking parent chaperons.  Thank you to those of you who have offered.  Here is the short video we shared today to launch our discussion.  


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