Quick Announcements

  1. Please review with and remind your child about after school activities.  These started yesterday.  Most kids knew which activity they were signed up for while some were confused.  It’s also important to make arrangements with your child about what he/she will do after his/her after school activity.
  2.   Here is what was covered in our last guidance lesson: 

Dear parents,

Mrs. Kate started  our classroom guidance program this week.  Mrs. Kate will come into our classes about twice a month for lessons focused on social-emotional learning.The focus of this week’s lesson was on respect and listening. The respectful behavior skills taught in this lesson contribute to a solid foundation for prosocial, empathic behavior.  We will revisit this topic over the course of this year in guidance lessons. In our lesson, we talked about how there are many ways to be respectful at school and at home. You can: • Be kind and polite • Take turns • Pay attention and listen to the speaker • Raise your hand to speak  When you’re being respectful, you’re thinking about how others want to be treated and treating them that way. Thinking about how you would like to be treated will help you decide how to treat others.

Additionally, the skill of listening is a critical skill for learning and getting along as a friend and classmate.  We talked about when we use whole body listening–using eyes, ears, body and brain–it helps us be good listeners. Students need good attention and listening skills to not only focus on what their teacher says, hear directions, and understand lessons but to get along on the playground or at home with siblings or mom/dad.  

If you have any questions about this lesson or any other concern, please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs. Kate at katek@isb.ac.th

  1. Tomorrow is Peace Day.  We will celebrate as a school.  Students and staff are encouraged to wear white.  Please remind your child that he/she should wear white clothing tomorrow.  This can be as simple as wearing the white uniform shirt instead of the red one.  


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