September 7th Announcements


 Dear Families,

We’ve had another busy week in second grade! We’ve begun to shift from learning about our classroom, our classmates, and routines to getting into our curriculum areas.

In math, the teachers have been enjoying getting to know our different mathematicians. Students have participated in number talks, screens casts that show the strategies they are using now, and have solved problems in their math notebooks. Please remember that the math practice we send home each Friday, is simply a transition activity that allows your child to practice skills, daily, for a short period of time. We will share more of their learning work during our October conference.

In reading, we have reviewed decoding strategies, and other basic reading workshop routines. Next week we will begin a new unit in reading-Non Fiction! Please note that on Monday, students will begin their home learning routines. They will bring a book (of their choice) home to read, and will have dreambox home learning 2x a week.

We have also begun our science unit on Air and Weather, and students have been engaged in fun experiments, as well as learning to communicate their learning in their science notebook.

Also-if you saw our instagram photos, we had building with cardboard in our room for Creative Community time. We need more boxes, so please send in any boxes from your house, for the kids to use. We can use bigger boxes, like the ones you might get at villa, as well as smaller boxes, like the ones your cereal comes in.

Enjoy your weekend!


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