Room 113 News March 4th


Hello Parents,

  1.  Below you will find the schedule for student led conferences this week. The format we use for these conferences might be new for some of you.  There will be time for parents to talk with me, but not in private or at length.  If you’d like to schedule an appointment on another day, please email me and we can arrange a day and time.  It’s important that your child attend this conference as he/she will be leading it and talking to you about his/her learning and accomplishments.  This conference will be student led and student centered. 

  2. Tie dye – The class had so much fun dying shirts on Friday!  Thanks for sending the shirts in.  All of second grade will be wearing them on Monday.  We recommend that shirts be washed before then so the dye doesn’t rub off on your child or bleed.  Here is the best way to care for them.  These instructions were sent home on Friday in a bag with your child’s shirt.  

Caring For Your Tie-Dyed Shirt:

  • If possible, soak the shirt in cold water and vinegar for at least 30 minutes to set the color (equal parts water and vinegar)

  • After soaking, wash the t-shirt ALONE in COLD water with 1 cup of vinegar and ΒΌ cup detergent (best on delicate cycle)

  • Hang shirt to dry

Pick A Time - Appointment System


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