Room 113 News May 1st


From Grade 2 Teachers: 

Dear Parents,

It is hard to believe we have only 6 1/2 weeks left in the school year! To celebrate the end of our unit on Sharing Our Planet, we would like to invite you to save the date for a whole-grade celebration and shared lunch for:
Monday, June 6
10:00-10:30 Celebration
10:30-11:05 Shared Lunch
Please mark your calendars. More details to come soon!

From our Counsellors:

Dear parents,
This week in guidance lesson we learned about the importance of being assertive.  Being assertive means asking for what you want or need in a calm and firm voice.  Being assertive is a respectful way to get what you want or need.
We read the book, Molly Lou Melon, and discussed how she is assertive and confident even though a bigger boy is not nice to her.
Make sure to ask your child about how to be assertive and confident–ask them to show you the body signs for assertiveness!
Jacqui and Jon


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