Virtual Learning December 14th


Hello Class. I hope you’re all doing well and for those of you who were sick, that you’re feeling better. There are 3 things you need to complete today:

1. Reading at home:  Please read something of your choice. Read for around 20 minutes.  Read aloud if someone can listen to you.  If you do not have books at home or would like to read something a bit different, please visit the Time for Kids website here: TFK

2.  Math practice:  Please see the assignment below.  Choose 5 problems and solve them 5 DIFFERENT ways.  Post of picture of how you solved 1 of the problems.  Challenge yourself to use numbers you know to adjust instead of counting or using the traditional method.  Show how you solved the problem.

3.  Social Studies:  Visit this website and take a look at what kids’ rooms look like from around the world.  Bedrooms Around the World Gallery  Make sure you click on the blue box that says, “view slideshow”  What do you notice about all of the bedrooms?   Are they like yours?  How are some similar and some different?  Did you see one that you would want?  Did you see one that you would not want?

4.  From Your PE Teacher, Mr. Cameron:
As unforeseen circumstances have dictated that we implement virtual school for our class, I would ask that students look to engage in physical activity that meets the following:

  • Engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity for a minimum of 60 minutes a day.

Depending upon each family and their particular situation and access to facilities and equipment, parents and/or students may need to be creative in seeking opportunities to meet this standard. To facilitate the development of possibilities I have compiled a list of possible options. This is by no means a comprehensive list so please feel free to pursue additional options and look to find an activity that your child enjoys doing. Please also note that the 60 minutes per day is cumulative and does not need to be performed all at once. This “opportunity” could provide a great way for parents to be physically active with your son or daughter and provide enjoyment and motivation for your children and yourselves. Who knows this might lead to an establishment of a new recreational or physical activity for your family to enjoy together.

  • Swimming
  • Cycling
  • Aerobics/workout videos/clips
  • Yoga/Martial Arts/Tai chi
  • Boxing
  • Dancing
  • Tennis/Badminton/Squash/Table Tennis
  • Running/Walking
  • Tag Games
  • Skateboarding/Rollerblading
  • Ice Skating
  • Soccer, Basketball, Whiffle-ball or another sport or game
  • Hiking
  • Jump Rope
  • Active Video Games like Wii Fit, Sports, Just Dance, etc.
  • Playing catch (any ball, Frisbee, etc.)
  • Indoor Playground
  • Trampoline
  • Create an obstacle course
  • Golf

Virtual Learning


  1. Wow! What flexible mathematicians you are! Those numbers are pretty large and you guys have so many different strategies to add! You must be very proud of yourselves. Keep mathematizing, Mathematicians!
    Sincerely, Ms. Bentley


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