First Day of First Grade


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Hello Room 107 Parents,
We had a wonderful day full of getting acquainted, learning routines, and most importantly, having fun.  Thank you to those of you who made it to the meet and greet yesterday; this really helped kids to have a smooth first day and feel comfortable.  I enjoyed getting to know your children today!
This BLOG will be the only way that I will make announcements and share information this year.  If your spouse got this post in their inbox and you didn’t, please let me know.  Please bookmark this blog and refer to it for information throughout the year.
Today, your child brought home a pouch with these items in it:
1.  Safe Haven – sign and return
2.  Student Acceptable Use Agreement for Internet and Network Permission – sign and return
3.  ES Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
4.  Parent Portal Password Letter
5.  ISB Calendar – went to the youngest sibling in each family.

Here is a brief letter of introduction and some photos from the meet and greet and our day today: 

Start of Year Letter 2014-2015


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