Books to Eat! Starting March 10th


From Mrs. Power, our amazing and dedicated Elementary Librarian:

Books to Eat 2014 will be postponed until after Spring Break so that we can promote this event further.
Our original plan was to start our Books To Eat next week, on April 3rd but as we have very busy with our visiting poets, we felt that there was NOT enough time to properly advertise this event between now and then. So these are the FINAL dates for Books to Eat 2014…I promise. (Check out this amazing Kenn Nesbitt tribute below)
Screen Shot 2014-02-22 at 7.02.58 PM
Entry forms will be available in the library from Monday March 10th and you will need:
-your name
-your class
-the name of your book
We began this event in 2013, to celebrate two of our favourite things; books and food! This year, there will be just a couple of changes with each group bringing in their creations on Mondays instead of Fridays; this is a direct result of feedback from entrants last year who would have liked to organise their offerings on a weekend rather than a school night.
Our first group will be PreK, K and 1st grade students, teachers and parents on Monday April 14th.
Our second group will be 2nd and 3rd grade students, teachers and parents on Monday April 21st.
Our third and final group will be 4th and 5th grade students, teachers and parents on Monday April 28th.
Check out our entrants from last year in this great slideshow made by Mrs. Hossack (her son Blake made one of our favourite creations by the way)
Start thinking about book titles and how you can combine them with anything edible… We’ll have certificates for People’s Choice, Students’ Favorite, Most Amazing, Incredibly Edible and much much more. But the biggest prize of all will be eating ALL that CAKE!!!


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